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he is confuse or he doesnt get the hint just yet??


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Well If you are following my story as you know I was going to go with my best friend to see her cusion. well speically, Chris...Well I wasnt should if I should go or not to go. Well of course I went. Well we went the the house the parents were talking to us. Then they fianlly got done ready. THe parents told us we are sorry that arent ready. I was like see holly i was fine i told them i was at the mall doing some shopping. Well he come down my heart just started to beat triple. We decide to go out to eat. My friend Holly, was driving and Laura (chris's sister was up front too) and Rob, Me and Chris was in the back. He was asking me everything if we went somewhere he was like is that ok nicole?? So i thought that was good thing. Well dinner it was ok. we all went to the movies. Well we were going to see elf but we had the wrong time. so we went to see scary movie. which was good. Well i was head of every1. and laura and rob was behind me and well next thing i know chris was sitting next to me. Here I found out later that he went around them so he could get ahead of them so i guess he could sit next to me. other good sign. Went back to there place which they all like with the parents. Every1 was alseep he started to show us his videos he made like jack a$$ omg they were sooo good. he did nake ones too. his sister was like i was shocked he show you them. well chris went upstairs for something i was like laura can i borrow t-shirt she was like you can borrow robs like she was like Chris bring down t-shirt for Nicole He put me one. I went in the other room to change next thing i know he was coming from the oppsiote side. I was like aww hurry put it on and went in the room. Well, it smell sooo good. i even made holly and laura smell it when he went out side to let the cat out. holly wanted to get going bc we were getting bad snow storm and it was suppose to happen soon and we live like 45 mins away. well chris was like no holly its only flurries. well like 30 half later holly said it was time to go.i had to gave back chris shirt when we left his sister said chris you should gave her that shirt he siad i should of but i will buy her her own. also i am getting informed he is wearing that shirt more now. laura said he hasnt wore that shirt for awhile until now???..laura told me i was allow to sleep over ane rob will drive me home. laura said he hasnt wore that shirt for awhile until now??? i didnt look at chris when she said that but holly said his face was really happpy. well i couldnt i had to work. i hug every1 and even him i felt so safe with them.


well i found out the next day that chris was soo happy that morning and everything until we had to go he got really sad and he even said merry christmas and he told his sister i want them to come down before christmas.. so we are this saturday but whats really bothering me is that 2 things


`. his ex-girlfriend who he did gave ring too. they broken in oct and he made contact for the first time since oct on the day i come down before i did. she called him and wanted to get together some time to go out. he told her off and said i am going to go out with new people or something and hung up on her should i worry would he go back with her



and the second thing is


i am wondering does he like me just as friends or more...his sister says he was asking things about me. also she caught him looking at my pic maxium. does guyz do this when they just want to be friends or more than friends....i am with the shirt thing and all...



please let me know i am getting attach to him and i dont want either one of us to get hurt again the mom told laura that some1 like me could make chris happy he needs me to heal his broken heart and soul

sorry so long but plase gave me tips

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from what you've said its pretty clear he likes you - and you like him too.


Think you should give it a go - maybe try and get to see him more often - once he knows you like him then he may ask you out - or you could be brave and suggest to him that you go back and see Elf or something!


Be careful though - if he is just coming out of a relationship that you don't get hurt. But if does sound like he likes you.


Go on! Ring him and ask if he wants to see Elf with you!


Good luck!

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