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Time to get me back, time to be happy without the one who broke our hearts!!

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Today I am so sick of ex's. One who wants me back and one who doesn't. The old ex just put salt in the open broken heart the last one left me with. My very first ex we cant be together for a lot of reasons, and he texts me saying I love you, and I never heard that from my recent ex whom I loved dearly. It was so painful, like being pulled apart over again. I cried and cried. And I am sick of this!!!! I want to be HAPPY again.


I am trying, one step at a time. I have plans in my head but...I cant seem to have that motivation to get up. Any advice will help please, today is just a really bad day for me..

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exes are both blessings and curses. my philosophy is to take the good that can come from maintaining those relationships are far as it can go, but when it starts to hurt you just need to draw the line. i don't believe in saying goodbye forever because you just never know what will happen down the road.


if it's hurting, while you're hoping to hear from someone, or hearing from another is frustrating you... just take a step back and look at the scars you are picking by letting yourself be affected. this IS old news, you have had your time with these people. just try to look at it from outside yourself, what if a friend was so upset over an ex? surely you'd tell her to move on and forget about them.


i know it's not that easy, but when i am doubled over in pain like that - i just tell myself to work on ME for a change. do something just for you, go for a walk, go try on clothes you can't afford, get something delicious to eat. make a plan to go do something you've been meaning to. take the focus off of them and pull the spotlight back onto you. i know


it's really hard not to be jaded in thinking nothing will ever work out, but it will.. you just have to be patient. the more time you spend making yourself happy the more you'll enjoy all the good that is to come.

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Hey hun!


Get ur a$$ up and go for a long walk - trust me - it will help you.


Your ex is a donkey - you can do without all that nonsense. Think yourself glad that you are out of that mess - gawd - imagine breaking up if you were married or had children.


I am a bit of a cr@p breakup buddy, aren't I - but hopefully be around a bit more while. Stay strong - shake off that rotten feeling - you can and will feel much better.



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Hi again mark!!!

missed you buddy.

No you are a good breakup buddy, just missing in action..jk : ).

Thanks so much, trying my best to stay strong!!


Thanks charliebrown, its sad but when you say give it time it will work out, I see me and him together once again..but thanks so much, that little feeling of hope is good, which makes me want to get up now be someone better. And when or if the time comes...it will be the best for both of us.


How are u mark today? and you charliebrown?

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if it's hurting, while you're hoping to hear from someone, or hearing from another is frustrating you... just take a step back and look at the scars you are picking by letting yourself be affected. this IS old news, you have had your time with these people. just try to look at it from outside yourself, what if a friend was so upset over an ex? surely you'd tell her to move on and forget about them.



I was just thinking about what you said charliebrown, they are both old news, which left deep scars!!! I need to look at it from the outside rather than life that fantasy love story. I HAVE to get on. I am on the acceptance phase, but a lot of people on here say it is truly the hardest to go through!!!

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I am fine thanks hun - weather could be warmer but that is my biggest worry so that is cool!


I think you have to be realistic here - assume he ain't coming back, as hard as that sounds. If he comes back, great, but if he doesn't then you are well along your way to healing.



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Work on you right now, spend some time alone connecting with nature of do something that makes you feel really good. You can't force someone to love you, its a really big pond out ther and you will know it when you feel right inside. Don't force anything right now. I call it going dark for awhile, that way you can rest and come back strong when your ready.



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