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Chances to get back my ex?

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I’m thinking about how much chance I have to get my ex back. I’m starting to get little confused and I think the chances are very slim. When she dumped me she said that she wasn’t in loved with me anymore but loved me. She didn’t said “Lets us be friends” or something like that. I have been in NC for 22 days and she dumped for 32 days ago and said that she wanted to think about us for 40 days ago in a letter from Asia. When she came back the 17 Marsh she dumped me on the phone after five years together.


My mistakes were I was the one that asked her if she wanted to end our relationship and she said yes and I sent two pathetic E-mails to her when she was in Asia. I was okay with the break up but I called her 10-11 days later just to start an argument with her and say to her that I know her Hotmail password and that I know that she was unfaithful towards me in Asia. That conversation was not good. Later, that week she sent an SMS telling me that she didn’t want to meet me and talk. I never responded on that SMS and went NC. The reason was of course that i had checked her hotmail. I told her that I was sorry and that we should me honest. That did not go in, I think.


The positive were I was honest to her, she know that I know that she was unfaithful, I haven’t begged her to take me back but I have analyzed our relationship last time we talked. I have said that I want a nice ending of all this and that we can be friends.


Is it possible to get a girlfriend back that have said that she is not in loved with you?

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I was honest to her, she know that I know that she was unfaithful



END OF STORY... move on to someone that will not cheat on you. I would NEVER chase a girl that was unfaithful to me. Trust me, its happened to me before and both girls have come back later asking for another chance. I just laugh at them and keep walking. I would hope that you feel more self worth than to settle for someone like that. Wake up and be STRONG.

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SHE IS NOT "THE ONE" just "ONE OF A MILLION" so go start looking ofr the other 999,999 ok?...


dont bother ever contacting her again...if she contacts you....reply ..."I'm sorry..you lost your chance and no i dont need any more friends...good bye and take care."


plzzz for your insanity listen to us...if you get back with her your best case scenario will be 4 years down the road and youll be back her tell how you just found out shes sleeping with 3 of your 4 neighbors.

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I know that she cheated on me and I know that just days after she dumped me she made out with a friends boyfriends friend. Last week that “Boyfriend” to my ex friend (I know him little) saw me at school and was really sarcastic “What’s up” with sarcastic tone”. He doesn’t know that I know about this. What’s more disturbing is that she has been rather cruel to me these 6 months. She has just been very negative, cruel and didn’t want to have sex with me the last 2 months. Not even kiss me. When she dumped me I asked if she had been unfaithful and if she had, I said that was okay so long we could be friends. Then she lied to me.


She is a * * * * * , she doesn’t deserve me. But I’m no angel. I was unfaithful to her when we first got together five years ago. I have also made out with some girls under this five years period so I have been bad to her. But she doesn’t know about my mistakes and I really want her back.

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SHE IS NOT "THE ONE" just "ONE OF A MILLION" so go start looking ofr the other 999,999 ok?...


dont bother ever contacting her again...if she contacts you....reply ..."I'm sorry..you lost your chance and no i dont need any more friends...good bye and take care."


plaaa for your insanity listen to us...if you get back with her your best case scenario will be 4 years down the road and youll be back her tell how you just found out shes sleeping with 3 of your 4 neighbors.


She is not like that, she has never been unfaithful before. When she went for backpacking in Asia, I think she thought that she would break up with me anyway so why not sleep around...

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I really dont know why you would want her back if she cheated. What's to say she wouldnt do it again?


Because I know her, I know her very, very, very well. This is the first time she has done this to me. She did it when she was about to break with me so she didn’t think it matters. She also told me that she was drunk. But still. That guy she made out with. That bothers me a lot...My mission is to get her back and that’s it!

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END OF STORY... move on to someone that will not cheat on you. I would NEVER chase a girl that was unfaithful to me. Trust me, its happened to me before and both girls have come back later asking for another chance. I just laugh at them and keep walking. I would hope that you feel more self worth than to settle for someone like that. Wake up and be STRONG.


How long did you wait before they contacted you?

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Waiting means that you stay stuck.....you stop yourself from moving forward and potentially missing out on great things in you life. Why do you want to wait?


After the summer I will move to another University for Master studies. I choose that University because of its massive student life and also because it’s a High Ranked School. I will have a lot of funny and get to know tons of people. I’m just stuck her four months more and all my friends will be home in a period of two months so I will have a great summer. Now its little boring but this month after she dumped me has been great just because a lot of my friends have been home from their Universities. I have also got to know some new friends. But still I want my ex back. Just to see if we can work stuff out. We have been together for five years so why not try!

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How long did you wait before they contacted you?


the first one took 4 months to contact me and say that she was sorry.


The second one contacted me a month later claiming how much she has "changed" lol. Yeah Right. lol


I believe that someone can cheat once or even a few times in their lifetime and may never cheat again. I am also a firm believer that if you let someone walk all over you just ONCE... they will do it over and over again.


What I am trying to say is that, even though this girl may NEVER cheat on anyone again... she will most likely cheat on YOU if you take her back because she knows she can get away with it.

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the first one took 4 months to contact me and say that she was sorry.


The second one contacted me a month later claiming how much she has "changed" lol. Yeah Right. lol


I believe that someone can cheat once or even a few times in their lifetime and may never cheat again. I am also a firm believer that if you let someone walk all over you just ONCE... they will do it over and over again.


What I am trying to say is that, even though this girl may NEVER cheat on anyone again... she will most likely cheat on YOU if you take her back because she knows she can get away with it.


She cheated on me and then dumped me. :sad:

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She cheated on me and then dumped me.


LOL... so did the second girl I dated. She dumped me then told me that she slept with one of my friends.


I laugh at these types of women. You should too. No sad face here. Maybe you should smile and get out. Go to a local pub with some friends and strike up a conversation with a nice lady. No need to dwell on a "prostitute" that works for free. (Thats how I look at "cheaters" )

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LOL... so did the second girl I dated. She dumped me then told me that she slept with one of my friends.


I laugh at these types of women. You should too. No sad face here. Maybe you should smile and get out. Go to a local pub with some friends and strike up a conversation with a nice lady. No need to dwell on a "prostitute" that works for free. (Thats how I look at "cheaters" )



It as gone 32 days sense my ex dumped me. I have been out drinking with friends 3 times a week during this period. And I don’t just drink one drink, I mean I drink very large amounts of alcohol so I have a hang over 2 days after. This weekend I will just go to one party. I also need to study and write on my Essay. I can not be out on clubs and bars every day. Another problem is that I’m starting to get little depressed about all this. She does not call me!, tough I have a lot of stuff at her place. I have just cried two times under this period. I want her back with every means possible.

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