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Facebook obsession issues

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Im not sure what section this should go under but I've got facebook problems. Does anyone here know enough about the "ins and outs" of facebook that could advise me?


Problem. My facebook friend list consists mainly of exs and crushes and general "could have beens". It is causing me problems with the whole - "checking out what she is up to and then jeez I wish I didn't know that" (OK, kind of cyber-stalking I guess). I don't quite have the gonads to delete these people because I don't want them to think I am angry or churlish or whatever. Besides if I delete these people then my friend list will look pretty thin (OK, yeah I got stupid issues). There is one person in particular - an ex (and ex ex actually) that I should be putting more effort into getting over but aren't because she is an active facebook user and yeah...OK, you know what I mean.

I just need a break from it all and focus on more positive areas of my life


Possible solution Is there a way to kind of "ditch out" of facebook and re-enter in a few months when I have my head in order. Can I deactive my account and activate it later WITHOUT haveing to re-enter all the data and re-do friend requests and all that?


Please advise any facebook experts out there.


ps I feel like an idiot

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Yes, if you remove your Facebook account, you can reactivate it at any time later, and it will be as if you never left. People do it all the time.


Or you could use this as an opportunity to practice your self-discipline, and just not check it. The latter requires a lot more effort, but could pay off big.


It'll be hard in the beginning, but it will pass quickly.


Do whatever will get you better!

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dont worry its really common, and its good that at least your willing to sort things out for yourself by deactivating your account for a while.


There is a way to do this- just go to 'account'

click on 'deactivate'

and there are a bunch of options you can choose- one of them being 'this is just temporary, i'll be back later'.

So this means you dont need to re-add all your friends in the future.


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It's facebook so add people who arent your friends but atleast acquantenses or ppl in the same network as you and delete people you want off it. If you change your mind, re-add them with the message "My facebook is sooo weird!! I messed something up obviously so now have to re-add ppl. If you wouldnt mind!"

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Well part of my "stalking" issues (stalking is actually way too strong a word - more like "snooping" is sheer curiosity, self torture but also good old Schadenfreude


scha·den·freu·de satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune


This isn't healthy or productive to me. I don't want to delete my account, I just don't want to be looking at it all the time and checking and recheck and all that crap

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Eventually you'll see things that hurt you and one day you'll realize that not only is exposing yourself to painful things over and over again a form of self inflicted pain, you'll also realize just how immature and childish the whole concept of social networking websites really is.

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Eventually you'll see things that hurt you and one day you'll realize that not only is exposing yourself to painful things over and over again a form of self inflicted pain, you'll also realize just how immature and childish the whole concept of social networking websites really is.


Yes, I almost put this in the self-injury section of ENA!

I know it is childish and silly but I think I still have a ways to go before I exit from this altogether. It has to come from within. In the meantime I'd like to wean myself off, rather than quit cold turkey.

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Problem. My facebook friend list consists mainly of exs and crushes and general "could have beens". It is causing me problems with the whole - "checking out what she is up to and then jeez I wish I didn't know that" (OK, kind of cyber-stalking I guess). I don't quite have the gonads to delete these people because I don't want them to think I am angry or churlish or whatever. Besides if I delete these people then my friend list will look pretty thin

Just delete them that would be the most logical thing to do in this case. If your friend list looks thin then just add new people to it.


OK, yeah I got stupid issues). There is one person in particular - an ex (and ex ex actually) that I should be putting more effort into getting over but aren't because she is an active facebook user and yeah...OK, you know what I mean.

I just need a break from it all and focus on more positive areas of my life

lulz, just delete him


B]Possible solution[/b] Is there a way to kind of "ditch out" of facebook and re-enter in a few months when I have my head in order. Can I deactive my account and activate it later WITHOUT haveing to re-enter all the data and re-do friend requests and all that?
Yeah that would be a good thing to do


I feel like an idiot
No, i don't think you are an idiot at all. You are just confused and don't know what to do
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If you deactivate your account, as others have said, facebook saves all your info and you can reactivate later.


You will just "disappear" though - no news feed announcement or anything. You just will not be on people's friend list anymore.


I wouldn't worry about people being offended - people deactivate all the time.

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