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Anyone ever have dreams about their ex?

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I was wondering if anyone wanted to share any experiences and/or interpretations of dreams about their ex's. I got royally freaked out by a dream I had today about my ex. I journaled it down, but the basic jist is a sort of "dream within a dream." In the dream I was in a fake future where I knew I he wasn't in my life anymore, I sort of flashbacked to a fake past where we were together and doing well and happy together. In the flashback he came over to hug me and I closed my eyes and started crying while I was hugging him. He asked me why I was crying and I said "I don't want to open my eyes because everything will be gone..."


Anyway, This is when I woke up and of course I was crying and it took me an hour to not be sad anymore. My first instinct was to call him and tell him. I actually dialed, but he didn't answer thank god!!


We've been having problems for 9-10 months now, and I never dreamed about him during that time, so I don't know if that means I'm sad because I'm not over it, or I'm getting over it but sad.

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I just ended things with my boyfriend on Friday. It was friendly and he called me today to say hi. But last night I had the scariest dream. I had a dream that he had committed suicide, but then I was hanging out with him like we were a couple again, but I still had the knowledge that he had killed himself. So weird and very very upsetting.

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I had an odd dream about her last night. I was seeing her new house and my housemate was there, too. It was a quaint little cottage with all sorts of knick knacks. She was complaining about how small it was (in the dream, there was barely room to move around) and she was also happy there. She talked more to my housemate than to me, but we were very cordial. She looked fantastic, her body was more smoking than it normally was, and her face was indistinct at times (she had a new hairstyle). Now, I'm virtually certain that this dream was a composite of a bunch of thoughts I had had about her during the day, and the pizza and wings I had for lunch, so I'm not reading too much into it.

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I used to be a big practitioner of Lucid Dreaming (Dream control) years ago. I do not have an addictive personality but getting caught up in Lucid Dreaming was the closest I have ever come to being addicted to anything. I could not wait to sleep and I definitely enjoyed my dreams more than reality. I have not practiced it in years after I noticed that I was basically becoming a zombie during the day and sleeping 10-12 hours to dream. If anyone would like to stop dreaming about their ex, I would suggest practicing dream control. It is a fantastic voyage.


Back to the original question, I have not had one single dream about my ex. I have found that most unusual. We all dream for many hours a night and only remember our dreams if we are woken up during them. I am sure that I have dreamt about her but I do not recall any. She is usually one of the first, if not the first, thing I think about when I wake up, though.

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Awww!! I had strange dreams like that too...they have gone away now. I kind of pray not to have them before bed because they were so painful! I think it's just like when people dream about loved ones who have passed away! It's the way we process a loss I guess???


I guess so, but i feel like i've just gotten out of the phase where i don't eat, don't bathe, don't clean the house, and even my dogs think i'm pathetic. I felt like the dream affected me so much because in the dream it went from nice times to knowing it's over. In real life it went from nice times to not so nice times to unbearable times to getting completely astounded at his ability to be vindictive and nasty. The sadness from the dream was almost worse than my sadness in real life. Maybe I was dreaming about wishing it would have ended differently...

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I actually just woke up from a nap and dreamt my ex asked if he can rent the house next to mine (which I have for rent). I broke into a cold sweat and was trying to find every excuse not to rent it to him.


I think the reason I dreamt it is because, last week he mentioned to me (joking) that maybe he would rent the place next to me so we can be closer.

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Las night I dreamt that he was in an Al-Anon meeting with me and no one woudl let me talk and they all kept interrupting me b/c he was there. And he just sat there with his head down in shame that I was even trying to talk. He told me after the meeting how disappointed he was in me.


Funny, I suppose that spoke of the future, since today he basically did say that to me, only in not such a kind way as what happened in my dream.

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We all dream for many hours a night and only remember our dreams if we are woken up during them.


This was weird because i was taking a forty minute nap and felt like the entire nap was the dream. I am also a really vivid dreamer, but i don't usually get so emotionally invested in the dreams. Like once, I dreamt just before a cruise that our ship had been overtaken by the largest tornado ever in the history of the universe, but that didn't stop me from going on vacation!

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I guess I am worse off for the woman I loved and still dream of even when awake for the last 23 years probably doesn't even think of me at all. We were young , she said she loved me,I did love her with all my heart. When ever I see the movie the lord of the rings and The king thinks and longs for his Elven princess I think and long for my Ronnie.Long ago but alas never forgotten ,till we meet again.

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Worse. I dreamt of his new GF!! And I have never even seen her! I dreamed she was beautiful and he was kissing her in a restaurant booth (??). I woke up and cried I think these dreams of ex's are common.


That just reminded me that when I first was with my STBX, I had a dream about him where he was kissing some other girl, or maybe it was about my previous ex and he was kissing some other girl. Anyway, that dream didn't bother me at all.

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I dream of my ex a lot. I tend to dream about all the things that I am paranoid about.


The thing is, whenever I have been paranoid about a girl before, it is usually true which makes me even more paranoid about things! Talk about a vicious circle!

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Worse. I dreamt of his new GF!! And I have never even seen her! I dreamed she was beautiful and he was kissing her in a restaurant booth (??). I woke up and cried I think these dreams of ex's are common.


I've done this before. I used to dream that he was kissing an ex of his right in front of me and I was trying to scream at him to get him to stop but he couldn't hear me. I had that a few times.

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I've done this before. I used to dream that he was kissing an ex of his right in front of me and I was trying to scream at him to get him to stop but he couldn't hear me. I had that a few times.


I had a dream that he was kissing another woman and they were laughing at me...was VERY sad when I woke up!

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