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What do you do when you hate everything about yourself?

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I mean ... literally everything......



I am so not normal in any way.. I just wish I could be normal. Sometimes I honestly think I would kill myself except I have a son and I couldn't do that to him. I can't believe I just wrote that and I don't know what to do.

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I mean ... literally everything......



I am so not normal in any way.. I just wish I could be normal. Sometimes I honestly think I would kill myself except I have a son and I couldn't do that to him. I can't believe I just wrote that and I don't know what to do.


Just look at someone who has it worse than you. Literally. Go on google and find pictures of people that are burnt victims, people with tumors on their faces, people with no arms or legs, people that live in the poorest countries ...


It won't make you feel better, but maybe it will help you appreciate something about yourself.

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all of us don't like a lot of things about ourselves, but killing yourself because of these things isn't worth it. I have times when I want to kill myself, but then I think to myself how I felt when my friend committed suicide this January. I just got a tattoo with an angel on my side and words say "life is far too precious to waste" and when I look at it it's true. I could have killed myself back in junior high, but I'm still here now and I'm fairly content where I'm at. I have friends, family, a roof over my head, a job, etc. A lot of people don't have that

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Normal is soo boring...I have learned as i have grown up to love my flaws, the things that make me uniquely me...I used to be super self conscious about a lot of things about myself, my depth of emotion, my pensiveness, my cleft chin...now i look at those things as great parts of who i am...start looking at yourself differently...soften your gaze and see your uniqueness as a gift...there is not one person in this world who is exactly like you...there is something so cool about that..treat yourself with kindness and grace...no one is perfect b/c perfection is boring! embrace who you are and all you have to offer

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I wish my imperfections were little things... but they're not... they're pretty big ones... I'm just so unhappy and I don't know what to do. I am so uncomfortable being me. I feel like I never catch a break on anything in life and I'm just feeling frustrated and sick of trying.

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Being single wouldn't be so bad.. I also have a physical disability that is almost emotionally crippling. I won't say what it is on here but let's just say that I've known several people who have what I have and have committed suicide.. because they just couldn't cope with it any longer. I can't even look in the mirror. My body is a mess. My mind is a mess.


I get so irritated when people tell me their problems... "ohhh, I'm so fat..." etc....... stupid crap like that. To me, they have no idea how lucky they are in life and I honestly want to spit in their face.

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I mean ... literally everything......



I am so not normal in any way.. I just wish I could be normal. Sometimes I honestly think I would kill myself except I have a son and I couldn't do that to him. I can't believe I just wrote that and I don't know what to do.


when i feel really bad i go lift weights.

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This page always makes me feel better about myself: link removed


It basically says that you are lovable the way that you are. Every human being deserves love.


Also recognize that you are more than just your physical appearance. You have a past, you have a history, you have abilities and skills and opinions and thoughts. You are a person.


Just remember- the most important thing is that you are alive. Thousands of people are denied that chance every day. Even if you have a disadvantage, at least you're still alive and taking care of your son.

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