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Your first love...

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I SO wish it had never ended......lol I met this great guy when I was 14, when I was on vacation at my aunt's house. He was 18 and I lied and said I was 16 so he wouldn't think less of me and we just CLICKED. Had a great time together for two weeks, talking, holding each other, telling each other what our lives had been like thus far. The last night before I was to leave, he came over to my aunt's house when I thought I wasn't going to see him again, and we sat out on the porch talking for hours. Finally I had to go, and got my very first "real" kiss. A skunk had sprayed somewhere relatively close by, and, to this day, when I smell skunks, I think of him......lol

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Boy am I glad my first love was done and over with...


Met him when I was 14, and was he a player! I was naiive at that time, he was 3 years older...Let me tell you, I am S O OO GLAD that relationship is over.


I cried over it for 2 years after it ended. It didn't even last for 7 monthes! After we broke up, he tried contacting me. He was a high school dropout. What did I see in him???


He couldn't even pronounce Weinerschnitzel right, instead he's say Wienerskitzels...hahaha!


I felt really bad, b/c after we broke up, he asked me to pray for him so that he could get a job at Wienerschnitzels...Now he's in Conneticut doing his own thing, and is still a player! Til this day, I don't understand what I saw in him. Maybe it was his baby face!


If you're wondering about how long it takes to move on from a past love. Trust me, you'll find much better, and everytime you breakup, every partner seems to get better and better afterwards!

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good question!

i would have to say a half and a half, i know that i loved him and in some sense every time i meet up with him to date (were like best friends now) it seems harder and harder to understand why it ever ended.

but then i look to the future, i have a great guy at the moment and im hoping it will work out, he can make me laugh and hes just amazing in himself. hes one of those people where you go through the emotions they feel because you like them that much.


now i would say that i dont wish for him to be still with me, but i am glad he was a part of me and it will remain that way.

i guess i struck lucky with the both of them.


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This is a great topic!


I'm very glad my first love is over. It hurts and in some ways I still love him, but I know it was not meant to be and I have dated many interesting people who have taught me different things in my life. My life would not be the same as it is now if I were still with my first love. I like my life the way it is, even with its quirks so I would definitely not want to still be with my first love.

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It's quite interesting you bring up this topic, just last night i was forced to leave my first love, the situation is so complicated it hurts like hell and every part of me has lost it's strenght to continue.

I most certainly wish i had'nt lost my first love, i still love her and would give anything to have that love back in my arms, i'd give it all away to spend just one last night together, this is for everyone in love, stay there, you won't regret it until you lose it, so keep that person while you can.

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Hang in there man. I can't promise you the pain will go away any time soon. Especially seeing how I have been broken up with my first love for 2 + years and still often wish we were still together. Very often. But I can promise you it has potential to open up new doors.


For me, I got new interests and decided to do some traveling which I would have never decided to do if I were still with her. I saw so many interesting places in the world which I totally would have missed out on. Yeah it still hurts and I do wish I was still with that girl I loved (actually still love) so much, but look at the brighter side and go do/try something you wouldn't have before.




"When you haven't got a prayer, you've got a prayer in me."

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i wished it never ended and now this girl likes him so i told her all about when i dated him and now i feel so confused cuz i have a boyfriend and i really like him too but i still have feelings for this guy that dumped me almost 2 weeks ago and i dumped him b4 that but never really got over him and now i am tryin to

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My first love... wow... that was.. probably this summer. I am glad its over. Great girl, smart, artistic. She was cute and all but, she was so confused with herself, and she had some really DARK secrets... some weird family stuff... and now she has gotten weirder after our breakup. I hope it wasn't cuz I let go of her but I am glad its over. She was bringing me down too, and I am not a strong enough person to support myself AND her.... hell I hardly support myself. But she was very important to me, she taught me SO much about myself, and I love her for that, but I am glad I have moved on to the my next love


Here for another

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I wish it never ended, but what can you do right?



you can do everything in some sense. i mean how long ago was this first love, was it ended through wrong intention or a minor hickup? do you still have contact details? are you willing to make it work?


all of these are questions to be answered, even if it was several years ago true love reunites.

you can do something!


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Im actually together with my first love right now so im not sure if im qualified to talk about this or not! Anyway i thought i was in love with a previous bf but i learned when i got into my current relationship that it was no where near love compared with now.


In a way i wish i had had a first love before this one,coz my partner had been in love before and sometimes it tends to bring up insecurities with me,but then again,if one of us hadnt had experiance with love before then i dont think we would have lasted as long as we have.(Purely because of the type of people we both are) And in some senses i am glad that my bf can sort of guide me through the relationship if you know what i mean.


Only trouble is that me being quite inexperianced with love and relationships was that at the beginning i tended to put all my eggs in one basket so to speak (as alot of people do when they fall in love) but i have now gotten past that and i believe my bf has been very patient with me as i have him in some respects.


But to answer the original question (the best i can) i just think that although sometimes i get scared to death thinking how i would feel if anything ever happened to us,i believe everyone has to experiance love (their first love) at one stage or another,and every relationship we have we will learn from in one way or another,i know i have.


Good topic by the way

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Thanks to all who replied, keep it coming. Man I didn't think my topic would take off like it has. A first love is a very memorable experience in everyone's life I think. I loved reading all your stories (happy and sad), TOTALLY interesting to hear all of them. Anyone else?



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Well, to respond to your questions neva_black_n_white.....My first love started almost 3 years ago, ended because she went to college in florida and i was here in Maryland. We got back together a little over a year after that, and broke up again like 3 months ago now. That time i forgot what.


About the contact details, i talk to her almost every day and see her sometimes once a week or so. So things are still cool between us i think.


I was always willing to try anything to make it work, but if it is something she doesnt want anymore, why force something that she isnt going to be happy with. Sappy as it may sound i just want to see her happy in life. If she for some reason were to want me again, and im still free, i wouldnt hesitate to take her back again. Feelings i have for her are still there. Well that is that, you want to know more you could PM me if you like. *waves*

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hey castiron. *waves back*

thankyou for informing on what i asked, i would like to quote something you put:


I was always willing to try anything to make it work, but if it is something she doesnt want anymore, why force something that she isnt going to be happy with


to me thats the most importat thing, for someone that you love even if they dont return that affection of love should still be given happiness and everything they deserve. so its not sad to think like tha, some people resent someone when they dont show the same feelings.

(ive sent you a PM anyway)


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