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she is engaged with two kids, but i really like her

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I am not sure what to advice you. If the woman is very unhappy in her current relation then it would be okay. I would definitely talk to her to tell her how you feel. She might explain you a few things and the way she feels about you.


I hope you are being very careful, though. The situation you are getting into is very tricky. You do not want to mess with her children's heads. First she has to break up her current relation, which will hurt both her boyfriend and her kids (after all HE is their dad!) and then all of a sudden there's a new man in "mommy's" life right away. Look at this picture: "Is that (our new) daddy?" Are you ready to take part of the responsibility for these children? Also realize that she does come in a package when she decides to leave her b/f to be with you!


I hope you have thought out everything well. If not, I would wait to tell her how you feel, and certainly wait to make love to her again. You might give her false hope. But that's just silly me.


Oh by the way: I have been involved with a woman who THOUGHT she was in a bad relation with her b/f. She was head over heels in love with me and still is, but she broke my heart after a while by telling me that she was going to stay by her b/f's side. I tell you this: that hurt!


Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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If you can sleep together, you can bring up the fact that she is engaged. You must find out how she feels, if she is planning to break off the engagement, why, etc... I think she owes you this information and knows it, but she's hoping you won't call her on it. Call her on it. If she plans to remain engaged or "just isn't sure what to do, [she's] torn", run for the hills and forget all about her!!! There would just be much more of this in your future and the next thing you know Montel Williams has invited the three of you on to tell your story- and believe me my friend, he'd give you the whole hour

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Spiritualtraveler is right. If you have grown close enough to be sexual, you should be close enough to discuss the relationship she has with her fiance as well as with you. I have to disagree with swingfox, I do not think that just because she may not be happy in her relationship, that gives her the right to sleep with you. I am a firm believer that you should end one thing before you start another. Besides, don't you think her fiance will be angry and heartbroken WHEN he finds this affair is happening?? And dont you think you will feel the same way when you find she has strayed from you as well? She has made a committment to this man by accepting him to be her future husband. She has already broken the commitment and trust that a relationship is based on. I do not think she knows how to keep a healthy relationship, or get out of one she is not happy in. I hope I do not sound rude or anything, but I am afraid that this girl will end up hurting you in the future, whether she stays with her fiance, or she cheats on you...

In all honesty, I think you should distance yourself from this person...I know it is not what you wish to hear, but I don't have a very positive feeling about her...

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I agree with Mermayd43. Do you really want to get involved with a girl that is involved with someone else. And the she is cheating on this guy. What makes you think that she will not do the same thing to you.

Talk to her and find out what she wants from the situation your in. If the both of you are just having fun with no connections then that is ok. If that is what you want. Even though it's not right because she is cheating. Find out what it is you want then go talk to her. If you can't talk to her about things that are concerning you then what good is she.




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