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VENT VENT VENT! (A helpful way to working on you)

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i feel you man, i had the same problem,

my ex is falling for someone else and she kept silent for 1 year,

she's waiting until she's ready to let me go


i hope our ex will have their heart broken, like they broke our heart

i hope their lover leave them for someone else


and when they came crawling back to us, that day, we'll have our revenge

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lex - as weird as it sounds and by looking at my letter - i kind of don't want that. It sucks to be in the place where we are at but at the same time i hope they are happy. Unfortunately my heart cannot hate as much as i want it to and i really hope she is doing good and i hope she is happy. That's as much as i can ask for and try to move on.


Yeti - It really does hurt when the person we care about turns into another person and we have no clue who that is. Unfortunately, he is probably just trying to make everyone happy and is afraid if he doesn't do those things, he won't be cool. I know it hurts but stay strong for your sake.


Ocean - I'm sorry for your pain and the fact wants his work more then the person who loves him most. i hope everything gets better to the point where you can fall in love again with the person of your dreams. Good luck and stay strong through everything.


Now that my rant is over - i will field any questions if anyone wants to ask anything about what i just wrote. Any question is open and i will be as completely honest as i can be. (When i look at that letter, I do want to cry. It hurts a lot and I know i contributed to her leaving me. Unfortunately, if she stayed the course with me instead of pushing me away, i would of been ok and we would have worked out. Unfortunately, we just weren't meant to be.)


Round 3 starts - (Hike!)

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Dear ______


I woke up today and the first thing I thought about was you. I don't want to think about you. Im so sick of you. what did you do at that party last night? You were 6 blocks AWAY from ME. ME! I was watching a chick flick at 12 while you were what? smoking? hooking up with a girl? It breaks my heart who you have become. You don't know how much I want to call you right now. I'm dreading the fact that I am going to school tomorrow and I have to see you. I'm so happy we only have about 10 weeks left of school. Then I won't ever have to see you. at the same time I feel like I have 10 weeks to make you see what a big mistake you're doing. I want to tell you but I can't. I won't. The only hint I'll give you is you seeing me happy without you. I just can't believe you are so shallow. A shallow shallow man. I thought you were different. I thought you loved me for me. I thought so many things that I have to unthink thanks to you. I hate you and I hate who you have become.


Giz- thanks for your kind words. This hurt comes and goes. At least it has given me the strength to move on. I didn't want to for so long.

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Yeti - Your welcome. We all need encouragement when it comes to having our heart ripped out and dropped like a glass vase from a really really high place. It shatters completely and none of the pieces seem to fit and even if you find most of the pieces, the vase is not whole. We all don't want to move on as our head and our hearts fight against one another.


The whole fight starts with your head telling your heart to let go. "He/She is NOT coming back. Let it go." says your head. Then your heart chimes in and says "He/she IS coming back. I know it. I love them so much." And then the battle continues inside of you until your in so much disarray and dizzy that your heart and head feel like they are going to both fall out at the same time and you want to give up. It's not easy when we face the battle of love. It's too much things to take in at once. Please find solace in knowing that you are not alone in the fight against yourself and your heart. I wish everybody luck and strength in the war called love.

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When we met I told you about my previous relationship, I told you how he cheated and how wounded I was. You listened and swore you would never ever do anything to hurt me .. you did that in order to win my heart...


So, you won my heart and eventually got me to move to your country, your life, our home and then the beginning of our life.. after 2 years of struggling to get there.. then just as I was adjusting you decided to throw it all away.. thanks.. 6 months into me having moved everything to be with you.. thanks a bloody bunch


I hate that you threw away everything on an evening in a strip club getting your jollies AND a strippers number.. you spent every penny in your bank account and had the cheek to tell me you got dragged there by mates and had one dance.. you muppet.. I wanted to kick you where it would damage you forever but I don't resort to violence because unlike you I was brought up well and brought up to respect people. That's why it took me over a year to get my family to accept you and you messed that up in less than 24 hours, never mind messing up my entire life in the process.


Here I am at 34, renting a crap flat that you couldn't swing a cat in, struggling financially because I spent my savings moving to be with you AND furnishing your (which was supposed to be ours eventually) house.. I'm the one in a horrible situation while you sleep in a bed I paid for, walk on carpet I paid for, eat of tables I paid for..


Yet, I'm the one who is made feel guilty.. thank you ..

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i f-ing hate you right now. what did i do to deserve this. what did i do for you to ignore me for 3 whole months with no explanation. i said happy valentines day. i said good luck on ur interview. i wished you the best, i told you i missed you and would always be there for you no matter what - and to this day, i still haven't heard from you.


im not goign to cry anymore. you're not worth it.

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ur right! he doesnt!!!


i just dont understand how someone could do this!!!! after being together for almost three years you'd think i deserve more than this!!!! not even a "hello how's it going?"


last time i talked to him i asked "how could you cut me out of your life like this?"


and he replied with "its just for now. we will talk when we are both ready to". he sounded like he was the one that was hurt and needed time! doesnt mean that i dont deserve a response. i said "Good luck on ur interview" and i didn't even get a "thank you".


i am so mad right now i want to pick up the phone and call him and tell him he's a HUGE JERK and that i don't deserve any of this!!!!!!!

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dear ---


i want you to know that i think you're a huge jerk and that when i come home for spring break in a few days i don't even want to see you. i hate you so much right now. what did i do to deserve three whole months of silence from you. maybe you're taking time to give ourselves space but the least i deserve is some type of explanation. how do u feel when i send u msgs like "i miss you." and "good luck" or "i will always be there for you". you can just look at those msgs and not give a care?



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tikk - That was a difficult decision that you came under. I hope that you have the inner strength to have everything go right for you and i hope that you really do find the right one for you. Someone who will love you, take care of you, and treat you the way you want to be treated. I know there is someone who would want someone like you - i hope he comes along soon.


starr - Better days are going to be ahead of you and i also think that you will find the right one who deserves your love and appreciation. Try to understand that it may be just as hard for him as it is for you as both of you are trying to pick up the pieces. I know how much it hurts - give it time and eventually you will find the person of your dreams.


lex - Hang in there buddy. I know its hard not to hold a grudge and hate them - but please don't. Know that she probably made a bad decision and she might figure out over time that she may have lost a special person inside and out. Stay strong and hang in there.


Okay - Back to round 3 (Hike!)

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Thanks GIZ


What I am more ticked of about is the fact that he took everything away that I hoped and dreamed that my perfect husband would be!!! He was it, his family was it, his friends were it!!! EVERYTHING!!! He must have been unhappy but the least he could have done was talk about it with me and try to fix things before running off to the highway! That's what hurts the most, coming so close and then it's all taken away. The dreams, hopes and joys all gone!!

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Dear Ex,


Thanks for dumping me.


No, really, I mean it. Since you finished our relationship, I've grown as a human being more in those 8 months than the previous four and a half years. My life has changed a great deal, and it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't dumped me.


The fact that ours was a very immature relationship that was going nowhere also makes me glad that you dumped me. You were a psychologically messed up little girl, that gave me a lot of grief and stress that a girlfriend really shouldn't give, especially in a 'healthy' relationship.


Don't get me wrong, I dislike you a great deal for the way you dumped me. It was a real example of how much of a child you were, with no life experience and a frankly tenous grip on the realities of the world.


I also don't particularly like you much that you've made me so miserable by making me a singleton for the first time in nearly six years. The blow you made to my ego was huge and its taking me time to recover from that.


I only wish now that I had been the one with the stones to dump you.





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ill just use andys words, lol:


The fact that ours was a very immature relationship that was going nowhere also makes me glad that you dumped me. You were a psychologically messed up little girl, that gave me a lot of grief and stress that a girlfriend really shouldn't give, especially in a 'healthy' relationship.


Don't get me wrong, I dislike you a great deal for the way you dumped me. It was a real example of how much of a child you were, with no life experience and a frankly tenous grip on the realities of the world.


I also don't particularly like you much that you've made me so miserable by making me a singleton for the first time in nearly six years. The blow you made to my ego was huge and its taking me time to recover from that.



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I'm glad now you're gone.


I wish I could get my 20 years with you back, but still have the kids.


I should have never "settled"for you,


I knew it long ago but you became my "comfy-shoes".


I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you, but I hate that you took my kids from under my roof.

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I miss you, and still love you... i want you by my side..but i know the closer you get..the more you will hurt me...


i feel like im making steady progress...maybe i cud accept u as a friend sometime..


i hope theres someone better out there for me.x

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A place to vent and truly let rip? So if you're of a sensitive disposition, please look away ....


"What a fraud you are.


You didn't have the courage to stand up for your own partner in front of your classmate when she said something racially denigrating to me, but when it came to the break-up, you made sure to tell me that whenever you go to the club where black men go to leer at white women, you get no shortage of attention. You act like you're doing your bit for race relations by hanging out at the club like white trash, because even you said to me that you don't get any attention from white men.


Hell, if what I suspect is right you're with some black guy now you scored at the club. You forget that the only thing important about you to some black men is that you're white ****y - and once the novelty wears off, and he finds out what an insecure piece of low self-esteem you really are, he'll do what all your previous boyfriends would do - start screwing around behind your back. Sad but true."

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Andy - It hurts when we lose a loved one and know that the right one is going to come soon. It sucks now but if you stay the course and let yourself heal, another woman will come into the mix and you will be happy. I promise. It hurts now but at least you can learn from this and build a great foundation for the next relationship.


j0sh - I read most of your posts and i am very sorry that you couldn't work out the differences between you two. I hope that you and your children will find the strength inside to get through this rough time. It hurts when you get betrayed the way you did, by no means did you ever deserve that. Be the best father you can possibly be and i pray that someone will enter into your life that can love and treat you the way you want to be loved and treated. Stay strong for your sake and your daughters. I wish you the best of luck.


jon - i also feel for you since you have given practically your whole life to her and it didn't work out. The fact that it not only affected you but your son and daughter as well. I hope you are staying strong and i pray for you that maybe you will meet someone else. I'm sorry for your losses as well and i wish you the best of luck.


Sam - I know how hard it is to let go of someone you truly love and want them back so badly. Please give it time as you are still young yet and i promise you will find someone better and treat you the way you want to be treated. Stay strong as hard as it is not contacting her and praying you were back together with her. Give it time. Your wounds will heal and you will find someone.


icarus - That is some harsh treatment she gave you. Know that things happen for a reason and you are going to be stronger for it. She wasn't worth your time and efforts and someone new will never do that to you.


Now on to round 4 (Hike!)

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God! WHO ARE YOU? Really. Where you always this person? Just tell me that. Did I fall in love with a person that never existed or where you so weak that you confomed in order to fit in? I can't believe you gave her your phone number IN FRONT OF ME. HAVE SOME CLASS. I can't believe you went to a party and got drunk. You were never that person. I can't believe that when your new little friends asked you where you worked you replied "oh at a hospital....you know...people's lives..they don't matter" and then laugh. Who are you fooling? Them? Probably. They are so freaking dim. Me? No. I know what you thought about working there. You told me that you have never felt so emotional in your life. That you enjoyed helping people and that it moved you to see all the sick people there. YOU ARE A WEAK PATHETIC WANNABE THAT WOULD DO ANYTHING AND SAY ANYTHING TO FIT IN! I just wished a million times over that I didn't care! I wish I could erase you from my mind. I can't wait until we graduate and I don't have to see you ever again. I'm so disgusted by who you are. You know, I just want to sing "The Wall" to you and have you realize what I'm doing. You're just another brick in the wall buddy! Nothing else, nothing more. You gave into the pressure. I'm in shocked. I really am. That you would even cut your hair (even though you have ears that stick out) and change your clothes and your shoes just to be like them. Just to be another brick.


I regret ever sleeping with you. If I could take anything back in my life that would be it. I know how you friends look and think about girls. I can't stand knowing that I went out with one of them. That you see me as nothing more but a piece of meat. I wouldn't have mind if we had broken up and you had stayed the same nice guy. I would have been sad but I would have seen that experience as something pretty. I feel dirty. I can't believe you are still hurting me. I can't believe you gave a girl your number in front of me. I just CANNOT BELIEVE YOU COULD BE THAT HEARTLESS!

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Tomorrow's your birthday. And a week from today would have been our anniversary. I try not to think about it, but it's all I think about. I wish I didn't know that every girl you've met on JDate so far has refused you a second date. I wish I didn't know that you are going back to your little lonely apartment and will celebrate alone. Because you still don't want me and I can't do anything about it. I can't ease your pain, I can't hold you, I can't kiss you. Because you don't want any of that and I think more of myself than to let you wipe your feet on me.


Happy birthday.

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Yeti - It's hard knowing that they change and that they are shells of there former self. As hard as it is - try to remember the old ex for your sake because i think it's just hurting you more and more when he does that. Good luck and stay strong until you grad. good luck.


Lauren - That was sweet and very thoughtful. It hurts when we see our ex failing and looks like he is hurting from afar and we can't do anything about it. You message was sweet and kind and i hope that he knows what he is giving away. It's so sad when they don't want us back - stay strong.


Back to round 4 (Hike!)

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You know... I don't know if you are seeing other people but just knowing that you're talking to an ex of yours is f-ing killing me! how can you go and just throw me out like that so quickly after the break! it makes me feel like the 2.5 years we were together was a waste of time! its unbelievable how quickly you just pick up and move on without any warning!

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messenger - I know how you feel. It is very difficult when our loved ones just pick up and leave. They want someone new and we are left picking up the pieces left by them leaving us. I know the sinking and devastating feeling we are left with nothing and they are moving. Know that you are definitely not alone and stay strong. Good luck.

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O boy - It all hit me at once and now i feel completely hurt.


Damn you and the fact that you are still in my thoughts. I guess with time i am going to get over this but the fact that you are happy with him and the fact that no more then 2 days after we ended you were with him really really really really hurts. I feel like i just wasted everything on nothing. I gave up everything yet you barely gave up anything and you already moved on? You can move on with your life because your life was not that affected but mine on the other hand, i got nothing. I'm very lucky to have family like i have plus a message board where i can vent or else i would be 6 ft under by now. I'm hurting and your not. How is that fair? Why the hell do i always have to be kicked upside the head by everyone that i have cared and loved so much? Thanks to you i hate god also. For the time being anyway. I'm much too young to be handling all the stuff I am handling. It's insane.


I do wish for your happiness but i will hurt for a very very long time. I think the worst part is that you ripped and stole part of my heart and you won't give it back. I don't think i can ever get it back since you ran away with it and instead you have your heart and already gave it to someone else. It hurts. It really really hurts to have to move on when i love you so much.

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Ugh here it goes....


I can't believe you keep flirting with your best friend's ex in front of me. I just can't. I can't believe my sister and I were able to predict all that you are doing right now months ago! Wow you must be really shallow that we were able to guess that you were going to distance yourself from me so girls would think you weren't dating me anymore. And how you started to hang out with your friends and how you're basically taking to prom the most desperate girl in school. It's sad. It makes me jealous you are moving on this quickly. I haven't talked to you in FIVE days. That is the longest I have ever gone. Well actually I used to never talk to you before we started going out so Idk why I can't do that now. I just hate you. I hate you because you've changed and because I have to se eyou everyday. I HATE HATE who you are.


I can't believe you undid the bottle cap of a water bottle that still had a bit of water in it and put it in a boy's book bag.....just so you and your friends could have a laugh. I'm' so glad i stood up for that boy and threw the bottle at your friend. I know I shouldn't have but even your teasing was weak. You had to do it behind somebody's back so they wouldn't even be able to defend themselves. Grow up. I want to call you so bad and somehow make you see the person you've become is so lame...idk Maybe I am still in shock because only like 2 weeks ago you were the same old person.


P.S I hate your new haircut. It emphasizes your huge ears that stick out and your small head.

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