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VENT VENT VENT! (A helpful way to working on you)

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Unfortunately Yeti - That is the way life goes for me right now. To think, a week after we broke up i called her for closure only to hear that she is sleeping at his house already. It really does feel like my heart is displaced somewhere else and i have no clue where to find it. It really does hurt as i have cried a lot over the last 3 weeks because it hurts so much. I just hope in time i will finally get treated the right way instead of being cheated on, left behind for some other guy, and the like. 4 relationships straight i have been screwed over in - i think i am just too nice and get run over all the time. It's so sad because my previous ex's regretted ever breaking up with me. Thats the way it goes i guess. If this trend continues, i am never going to date again. I'm just tired of having my heart ripped out over and over again.


*Thanks for the hug

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Hey Dirtbag, they said I would be hurting when I left you. They said you can't just throw eight years away in an instant. They said I wouldn't make it without you and that it would feel as if I'd lost a limb. Guess what? THEY WERE WRONG. Doin' fine. Check out Christina Aguilera's "Fighter". Those lyrics are me. Too bad for you and your whores.

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Wow - I have to vent..really really bad. I'm starting to slip. It really feels like my heart is going to give out and i am going to slip.


WHY does this HAPPEN to me!? * * * !? Dealing with losing my friends and then my best friend who i care and trust the most commits suicide! * * * !? Great, now on top of figuring out where the hell to turn to when i need advice the most, i lose the love of my life also. She can't handle my emotions and was falling out of love with me and in love with someone else. Does this never end? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I'M SO MAD AT THE WORLD THAT I'M READY TO COMMIT SUICIDE BECAUSE I THINK THE WORLD HATES ME!!


Of course i can't do that seeing the damage it has done to people's lives. I'm so sad and alone. It is bad when you are stuck at home with your parents on a Saturday night and can't call anyone to talk to for long periods of time and nobody asks me to go out. It hurts. It really hurts. I have no idea what i am doing alive and what my purpose is. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I feel awful everyday. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . What did i do to deserve the BS that i have taken all the way throughout this year!? I HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS TO ME GD IT!

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you have me suisidle and i dont know what else to do or say...

why are you such a nice person, yet so able to hurt someone so much... especialy someone you loved... i hate life... i seriously would be better off dead thanks to what both of you did. i trusted both of you with my lives and love. you warped both of them into a never-ending entraptment, and guess whos in the middle while you two sunbake next to the pool of your own happiness..... me!

guess whos happy that your happy... me... guess who cant stand to see tomorrow... me... guess who spent the last 30min on my shower floor crying, knowing what you two are doing right now.... you got it, me.... guess whos gonig to try and drink themselfs to death????..................................... not me... because i dont think i can ever lay that kind of guilt on you... i could never hurt you as much as you hurt me...


im sorry to say i wont find another.

you where my love

and he was my brother.

something had to be done, and now its final.

to much pain to waste away to the bottle...

if i had to choose between myself or you

you know it would be my funeral.


i will love you forever... i can honestly say that...

love your alex bunny

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ARghh im so ANGRY!! F *** you for going to find some other * * * * so quickly. F*** you for telling me you wont want a relationship in a long long time. F*** you for promising things to me that you knew you couldnt keep. F*** you for taking everything from me!


I hope you get into deeper debt, as i know i was the only one keeping you up.


I hope you get screwed over by this new guy, so you can see how much i did for you!


F** this BS!!! I have better things to do in my life than wallow in your miserery. F** you for shouting at me, when it was my turn to be mad at you!


You are such a childish, selfish, idiotic girl! Get Out Of My Head!


Also!!! * * * * You for telling me to kill myself! and sayin "you would have done it by now if you were serious!" You Stupid woman - you dont realise the consequences of your rections. Damn you for making me get help!

I deserve someone so much better than you! I MADE that relationship.

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We were going to be together "forever" had i realised that had a two year time restriction i would have taken options B-Z.

you Fell out of love with me, and yet i am the one feeling guilty and chasing you?? what am i thinking of! and what ARNT you.

How dare you be angry at me, to make it easier on yourself. and how dare I let you do it.



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so my ex called me last night, she needed to pick something up from my place. I wasn't home, told her I'd call when I was. so I called her around 1 am expecting to get voicemail . . . nope, she's out with friends. she NEVER stayed up that late when we were dating, and always guilt tripped me into going to bed early when I did!


she tells me she's too tired to come over tonight, but she'll come over before work tomorrow (now today). today she calls me and says she'll be coming over AFTER work because she simply didn't have enough time this morning. . . I know it's hard to get out of bed before noon, but COME ON!


now I've spent all day wondering if I should play it cool like I'm totally over her, or if I should drop something like "I know I messed up and caused you a lot of pain, but I've grown up a lot in the past 9 months (I really have) and if your new BF turns out bad, I'd like to give it another shot" (it will, I know he's lieing to her about his work schedule, I mean no construction companies operate on sundays, so what is he doing every saturday night?but she doesn't have the kind of mind that will pick up on this kind of thing)


stupid gravity, stupid ](*,)


ps. link removed I hate you, we'd totally be back together if it weren't for that site.

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Okay everyone - Deep breath.


amure - i know how much it hurts and i am on the edge also. (Almost killed myself tonight, a whole different story all together but i didn't) Please don't. I know how much it hurts someone to do that. I know it feels she destroyed you inside, please let it go and realize that you are very young and you will experience heartaches but the right one will come along eventually. Your love and determination will soon be recognized. Stay strong and upbeat.


Sam - Did she really say that to you?? Wow. That is full of you know what. You shouldn't talk to her anymore and let her go. Her immaturity will kill every relationship she enters until she changes and by then you will have someone that loves you for you and nobody else. She will treat you with respect and love like you deserve. Hang in there.


jamie - It hurts when there love falls and you are left wondering "Why!?" They somehow spin things in there own head to make themselves feel better. Remain strong and go NC and let yourself heal. Eventually in time you will find someone that will love you the right way and never break those promises.


gravity - Let it go. I know it's hard to do it especially since you have to see her - but realize that you may have a golden opportunity to find someone better. Someone who flakes you like that knowing that you are waiting for her is unbelievable. Let her grab her stuff, do not say anything and do what this avatar is doing in the opposite direction of her It only helps you heal to go NC and let her fall flat on her face. You are a good person and you will find someone to cherish and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Good Luck!


Round 5 (Hike!)

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Okay everyone - Sam - Did she really say that to you?? Wow. That is full of you know what. You shouldn't talk to her anymore and let her go. Her immaturity will kill every relationship she enters until she changes and by then you will have someone that loves you for you and nobody else. She will treat you with respect and love like you deserve. Hang in there.


Cheers for that Gizmo!


Theres some great support on here..


You'll get through this man!

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I think i will let all this calm down and text her on the 24th April ( her bday) and just simply put happy birthday, then im off traveling for 2 weeks so if she does reply in a nasty way i wont get it anyway haha but at best it could start us off talking like human beings to eachother again. There was really no need for all this nastyness.

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jamie - i wouldn't even go that far. The fact that is sounds like a complete push and pull relationship sounds a bit rocky to me. She can't commit to you and expects you to stay? Hmmm..maybe i am being a complete jerk but i wouldn't even text her that. It doesn't sound like you two are on good terms or am i missing something?

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well this is on another thread but long story short we broke up and she begged me to keep in contact with her etc and we met up a couple of times after and got on just like we did when we first met, laughed, joked , flirted so i thought there may have been a chance, anyway we met up again at hers on that friday and went to her bedroom and drank wine, laughed and joked and then i noticed the pics of me and her still by her bed. So yeah we kissed and then she said i dont want u getting the wrong idea, so i told her that i had got the wrong idea anf explained why. Then she started crying saying she had been straight down the line with me and aksed me to leave. since then the only contact i have had ( this all happened a week ago) was the nasty text i got saying please dont contact me i wont reply( when i asked for my passport back) and then a bit of a arguament text after that. ( this was on monday). I guess i just dont get wht is going on in her head. she has never played games with me for 2 years but she said my actions were "nasty and malicious" that friday where as i have NO idea what thise actions were.


Although we had split up we were really getting on well again and i could see something happening again but because i didnt react how i think she thought i would all this has happened. Maybe i should have just slept with her that friday and woken up the next morning and seen what happened. i kind of regret i didnt, because now she seems to hate me!

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This is why i don't get women. Honestly. It's a good thing you didn't sleep with her because she doesn't even know what she wants. I'd respect her wishes and stay away from her. Go complete NC. Only then will you force her to make a move. If she doesn't, then you know your answer. If she does, you have a lot of thinking to do because it sounds like she is stringing you along in a weird weird way that i can't put my finger on. I'd be careful with this one but i recommend NC. Just my humble opinion.

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Ok! Well here I go!


My fiance' has a myspace account and his relationship status is still set on Single even after the engagment. I just want to choke the _______ out of him. Beat the ___ out of him as well. I'm so damn mad and hurt and heartbroken. I'm just like the women in " Diary of a mad black women" instead it's about : Diary of a mad white women.


He was my everything and now I feel like I've lost everything. where do I even beginn to pick up the pieces of my life.

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yeah i think that to, my only trouble is i really think the way she was asking what i was up to, who i was with and wanting to see all my photos on my phone she seemed REALLY jealous that i may be getting on with my life, but when she says " please dont contact me i wont reply!" it seems to me that the little hook i had on her to maybe miss me has gone. and that annoys me!! i mean she wont miss me if she is mad at me will she!!?

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I'm sorry to hear that princess - Did you confront him and what did he say? That is odd that he left his profile like that but maybe it was a mistake??? (I'm not defending him, DON'T KILL ME!)


jamie - But thats what i mean by stringing you along jamie. She is so confused and she just might be playing the back burner game. It is odd and sounds a little fishy but her emotions are all over the place. She will miss you from the sounds of it. You have to force her hand. It sucks that you are put in a position that you are in and that you have to wait for an answer from her. That is not fair. I would go NC and see how she really reacts. Do not respond to anything. Calls, voicemails, emails, and texts. I would play it smooth for 2-3 weeks and really see how she responds. I might just be a jerk for suggesting that but at least you will know where you stand.

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"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" If i was your fiance, i am pretty sure i would run, not walk, in the opposite direction at the moment seeing as how i can see the lightning from your eyes and probably over your house. I'm sorry princess. I hope it works out and he doesn't act like a jerk. Good luck.

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Well today, when we sit in my attorneys office, wasting more money that neither of us can afford, I won't carry any emotion. This is simply business. You left me and over these 8 months my love for you died and slowly has been replaced with disdain.


But I will remain strong and civil because I don't care anymore that you're gone, now we are simply parents of two great kids and we have to raise them the best we can.


I have to say I now like my life being single, this time that you said was "constructive time away" was only my education in learning how to live alone again afte 20 years.

And learn I have, and I've learned I like it.


I no longer have to deal with your obsessive/compulsive and controlling behaviors, your unstable and bitter sister, or your way obsessive/compulsive role model of a mother and your extremely bitter and controlling grandparents. I feel bad my kids must be exposed to it all. But I am out of it and damn glad of it now.


Ha, and what?? You thought I'd sit around crying and dying still?? NO FREAKIN WAY!!

You think I haven't had and company here in our house?? Baby, you couldn't be more wrong. I've had more "fun" in the last 4 months than I did our entire 20 years, I'm sad to say it, but it's true......................

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cheers for the advice dude, i dont think its a wrong opinion at all. when we sort of argued about the text i replied saying " dont contact you? i havent spoken to you in a week, i just need my passport back, i hope one day u will apologise for how your acting right now." and she replied " 1 week well done!, as for your apology, good luck!"


just seems REALLY nasty , this all came from nowhere and i havent ever seen this side to her, its really odd how cold and calous she is being with me now. Im not sure if i do not contact her if i will hear from her again and then if i do bump in to her in the future it would be awkward, yeah i would like to get back with her but mostly i would like to at least be amicable towards eachother!!.

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