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VENT VENT VENT! (A helpful way to working on you)

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I want to create a place where people can vent. I think it helps if someone ever needs to go crazy about there ex, life in general, or something that is really making you mad. It helps when you vent and maybe you might feel a little better after. Start round 1 NOW!!

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OMMGMGMGMGMGM UUUGGHHH, stupid little cow. I bet it's her spreading rumours. I HATE her. And my ex is such an idiot for even having anything to do with her. He would rather hang around with stupid little morons than ME. I'm so much better than them, and their childish little petty lies. F them all!




Thanks for that, lolll.

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i will not obsess over ex i will not obsess over ex i will not obsess over ex i will not obsess over ex i will not obsess over ex i will not obsess over ex i will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over ex.i will not obsess over ex.i will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over exi will not obsess over ex

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You're a confused little girl, you know that? You don't know a good thing when it's staring you in the face, telling you it wants to be with you. Go spend your weekend shacked up with your alcoholic anti-social boyfriend, have a good future. You say you're crying over losing your "best friend". Well guess what, he's gonna be your best friend now. I don't care that you complain that you're sick of spending so much time with him, now I'm gone and you get to spend even more time delving into that whiny, wimpy, depressing rabbit hole he calls his life. And when he's drained you of all your patience and energy and you get tired of dating a "moron" and a "woman", I'll be happily involved with a girl who doesn't take me for granted. Everytime I walk back from the gas station to get smokes I'll pass his apartment now. I'll be sure to put on "Idiot Wind" by Dylan, in tribute. So congratulations, you're slowly turning me into a bitter a**hole who doesn't trust women. Which is ironic, because that's probably one step closer to me becoming the type of guy you want. Have a nice life.


Oh, and more thing: When Harry Met Sally wasn't trying to predict a happy ending for anybody. It just wanted 9 bucks from the general public. F*ck that.


EDIT: Thanks Gizmo.

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House and Pink - you two are going to be ok. You will find the right people and they will love you like how deserved to be love.


judy - Awesome! At least you now have money no?


Round 2 about to begin..Do not hold back!




Meh, just more money for college!

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thanks gizmo lol i need this ay



* = profanity



dont give a **** about what i have done for you. i love you so much and you just let him brainwash you. its sad because you will never see the real me. all i want for you is to be happy, and all you want to do is hurt me. i dont care, i love you like i love my life and il do whatever it takes to see you happy. im sorry i cant make you laugh, i try and try, i seem to be able to with everyone else but you just dont find my humour funny. infact you put me down whenever i open my mouth. i have mutilated myseld mentaly and phyisicaly for you. i have endless suisidle thoughts because you try and get back at me for what the "dog" as done. he crys and winges to you about the world hating on him, well bubba you eat his **** with a spoon and lick the bowl. one day you will see and puke on him. maybe il be here, if i am il laugh. maybe i wont. even if im not il still laugh. but il come next to you and comfort you, because i dont care what hes said or done, il love you forever and ever. its hard for me right now, and i dont know what you want me to do. ive done everything i can for you. would you like me to evaluate the situation?


i went through 10 months of sweating my own blood to be with you. after which, you leave me for no reson, and not even a few weeks later do you go out with my best friend. no, my brother! the whole time you lied to me, and still deny it! im still there for you, im still here for you. you hurt me intentionaly just because hes "sad". he has no reson to be sad! he wanted this!! hes got you! he should be happy

**** you.. i hate you.... i love you.... i dont wanna be here

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Maybe if you would stop blaming all of your problems on other people and your so called "bad" circumstances you wouldn't be so depressed and desperately seeking the approval of your peers. Maybe if you would stop resenting me for YOUR decision to make ME the center of your universe you would realize that I was the best thing that ever happened to you. I didn't pay enough attention to your sorry ass? TRY THINKING ABOUT THIS: I WAS IN AFRICA FOR FOUR MONTHS. I could NOT BE AT YOUR BECK AND CALL! EARTH TO MORON? Oh and here's a tip: next time you use someone for SEX, make sure it's one of those sorority girls and not a girl you spent four years of your life being loyal to, since you've JOINED A FRAT NOW, and left everything that i thought you were behind you. Oh, and good luck pursuing the "American Dream" I really hope that works out for you. I hope you make lots and lots of money and get a little trophy wife and go to your little grad school and tell the new love of your life and your MOTHER how BAD things were with me, and when * * * * starts to hit the fan with your new lover, I hope that you remember how you picked me apart and told me everything that was wrong with me even though i spent the last four years of my life trying to make you happy.

But. don't think twice it's alright.

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flying - i do vent. If you go back to my previous postings, i go completely insane. Just like you i am hurting but i out of anything, reading everyone's stories and trying to help makes me feel better. I'm kind of weird like that as i like to help. I will vent tonight flying, i promise.


amure - Its ok. We all understand the pain and suffering of losing a loved one that just wanted to leave for whatever reason. It will hurt lots for a while but one day you will realize that she wasn't the right one for you and you will find someone better.Your young and got that going for you. Don't let this previous relationship alter your thinking in anyway. I know you love her,care for her, and hate her with a passion (I feel the same way) but you have to let that go. I know you have the strength in you. Good luck.


CareBear - It's natural to feel that way once we've been burned. I know it's rough when we feel like we just got kicked in the head and left to bleed out. I hope you stay strong through this and realize that the right one for you is coming along also.


Now..back to round 2 (Hike!)

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My ex came on sooo strong in the beginning wanting a relationship right from the start and I just went with the flow. After a few months into it he became distant and worked all the time. I know he was really busy, he was engineering the road I drive on to and from work each day but he never made time for me and he was so exhausted when he did c me that he even fell asleep flat on his back on my front stairs outside for everyone to see as they pasted by!!! I confronted him about all this and he said he didn't know how he felt about me and that he wanted to work and not be in a relationship anymore!!!! How dare he make all these moves, promise me the world, act (for a few months at least) so perfectly towards me and make me fall head over heels in love with him and make me feel that he was "it" for me, a feeling I have never had before and maybe won't again!!! I am still at times crying over him and what I have lost soo badly I literally start choking, while he goes about his days like nothing happened and never felt a SINGLE thing for me!!! Having NC with him ever again after and not knowing what he is up to just frustrates the heck out of me!!! And today is not any better knowing he is 29 today and celebrating with a huge group of family and friends that liked me as much as they like him and hoped to be around for many years to come. How dare he make me believe in a lie in the first place AND make me pick up all the pieces of my shattered heart afterwards!!!!! Why couldn't he have taken it slower or be honest with me that work would get busier and he might have to scarifice his personal life to work? I HATE BEING LEFT BY THE MAN I THOUGHT I WOULD MARRY FOR THE HIGHWAY - LITERALLY!!!!!!!

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I think you are pretty pathetic. you've weak and a crowd pleaser. I can't believe you are popping pills 6 blocks away from where I am! You know, although I still think about you, my chest doesn't swell with love like it used to but will disgust. You're weak and insecure. You broke up with me because you knew I would never stand for this little game you're playing now. You knew I was strong and you know I wasn't going to let you do anything that went against who I was. I love how you freaking hang out with people who are so mean and heartless. How can you like that? Don't you have a soul? How insecure are you really? The only thing I regret was letting myself fall in love with somebody who is WEAK like YOU. Have fun at that party tonight. I hope Karma comes for you tonight. It is never a smart thing to laugh in the face of love. Thinking you are all that- a super star! F U and your weak character!

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Okay - time for me to vent...


Dear ____,


I'm sorry that you fell out of love with me. I'm sorry for pushing you away when i lost my friends and then my best friend to really stupid reasons. I'm sorry that i wasn't there for you emotionally when you were doing projects as i was grieving about her death the very same week. I'm sorry that i put you through an emotional roller coaster as i had no where to turn and i was completely lost. I'm sorry that when things were extremely rough between us, i couldn't make the right decisions in your eyes. I'm sorry i am not completely successful at everything i do and i that even though you said it wasn't "about the money", i wasn't making enough while going to school. I'm sorry i stormed out saying this should be over since my emotions were all over the place at the time. I'm sorry i couldn't "enjoy" our time together when we were out since my heart felt like it was ripped out by the one person i trusted to be there when i needed her. I'm sorry for everything i have done to you BUT...


How could you keep me secret for so long? Is this the REAL reason? "It's not. I just want you to know that. Please understand that I was pushing you away because the damage you did was irreversible." BS! And you know it! I wouldn't have been the way i was IF you didn't keep the relationship like that. How dare you say such a stupid and moronic statement and lie to me like that! Who do you think you are!? I loved you to death and we had many a talks about coming out TOGETHER and standing by EACH OTHER if we had bumps coming up. Right. BS! All about your past and how you're the one who is always getting hurt. Yea. Okay. I'm the one left hurting. AGAIN!


I am extremely angry for you leaving me because as you stated "I love you but I am not in love with you anymore. I have feelings for someone else. I'm so sorry." I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that you were a controlling person looking for an opportunity to leave me. It wasn't all about the above situations as you saw that the grass was greener on the other side. As soon as he told you he liked you - you ran. You destroyed everything inside of me knowing how much i loved you. You told me you weren't like that. You were never going to hurt me like how i was hurt before. Really? I think you just did the SAME THING THAT THEY DID! You left me for someone else. Don't try to sugar coat it by saying you were pushing me away because i was not there emotionally. You know that much is BS. I was getting better and I was so close to having my heart heal from my friends and we were doing so much better. Me and you were laughing and having a great time till that night. * * * !?


You know i still love you and probably always will in some way. But the fact that you ran as soon as he came into the picture makes me sick. How could you do that to somebody as hurt as i? A part of me wants your relationship to fail miserably! I hope it does fall flat on it's face so you have to pick up the pieces like i had to and you are left wondering AGAIN why you were HURT AGAIN! It would be bitter sweet. BUT...


As much as i want your relationship to fail miserably, a part of me doesn't. It wants to see you happy. I hope he holds your hand gently like i did while we ate dinner together late night's on Sundays. I hope he rubs your shoulders and feet like i did when you had a long day at work and everything felt like crap. I hope he takes care of you like how you wanted to be taken care of, loved like how you want to be loved, and above all else - makes you as happy as can be.


I will Love you always as much as I'm hurting.



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