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Weird turn OFF's ?


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With any guy: overly baggy clothes,being ungentlemanly, lip piercings (too feminine for me).Those are the only ones I can think of now.


Guess you wouldn't dig me


I gotta go with, loud, annoying, stupidity, bragging, and smells bad. Thats the ones I can think of right now.

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1.)Men that have long straight hair like a woman's, that's too feminine for me.I also don't like guys that have a really high pitched voice like a females.


2.)I know some people can't help this but I find men that snore when they're sleep a turn off. It's so nasty to hear being next to someone who's making all of that noise. I can overlook it but I cringe when I hear someone snoring.


3.)Men that I can't establish a decent conversation with.. Guys that don't listen and respond to me when I talk.


4.)Any weird piercings... I can deal with an ear piercing but if it's anywhere else.. it's a turn off.


5.)Immaturity and arrogance is a mature turn off!

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There are some hot guys with lip piercings, they'd be the exception


I just remembered another: very long fingernails, like a woman's, that's kind of gross. And for that matter, any feature that would resemble a woman's, like thin, slender, delicate hands. I like my men to be very manly


People say I have soft hands, does that count?


O and I'm always gentlemanly as defined in Dating Coach's old post (I believe).


adding to the list:


not moral

too moral



ewww dirty, that means no hippies


Did I mention lack of intelligence?

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drug users! even pot. if i'm dating an ADULT, why shoudl i have to date a pot smoker? arent you supposed to get rid of those things when you get out of college and get into the real world? (No offense to pot smokers out there...i just dont get it)

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Ya I agree with a lot of these I got some more


1)Girls who lack so much in intelligence, you could

probably leave them on the date and convince them

later they told you to


2) Being stubborn to a certain point can be cute, but

to a point.


3) I know this is completely not fair for the women but,

bad parents


4) Girls talking about something their Ex did


5) When girls tell you to compliment you


6) Exagerating I think Dane Cook did the best version

of this

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The Black rimmed glasses. Yes.


The Corporate-Looking-Guy. You know. He is always wearing a suit or professional wear, his hair looks like a million other guys who spent too much time with too much product simply to look like every other guy in their office.



Guys who are big into technology, the portable kind, and they are always "connected".


Noise. TV at night? Won't work. Rap blaring from your car? Go ahead and run me over, because I am not getting in that car.


Stubby fingers. It's not fair, it's not logical. But I have a bit of a hand and feet fetish: Long, well shaped hands are a bit bonus.

I don't care how tall the man is; but I prefer that his fingers are longer than mine.


Oh my god. I'm going to die alone, aren't I?

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i dont get the anti-black-rimmed glasses thing! i think they're sexy on the right face... just take a look at colin meloy (lead from The Decemberists). He's gorgeous and the glasses do it for me (he's totally "my type")


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