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roid head

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I have a feeling you have no idea what this person is taking. There is a very large difference between protein, creatin, even massive caffeine drinks then steroids or HGH. Now if he's taking Andro or you see him taking shots in his hind parts then raise the flag, but until you have some solid proof I'd lay back a bit.

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Lay back from what? OP didn't say he was reporting the guy to Congress.


Wait a minute... 'Cooperstown'... are you perhaps Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens, googling certain keywords to bolster your legal defense? If the latter, hey, we were born on the same day.


(You don't have to answer that; I'm just spoofin'.)

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if you found out a person you know (for example): 20 year old guy im friends with who lifts weights every day) is taking testosterone boosters and all these lifting supplements, do you label this dude a roid head in your book?


they aren't roids per se, but that person is not natural.

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i know a good amount about supplements and prohormone and all that. yes he takes whey protein, yes he takes creatine, yes he takes No2/caffeine preworkout drinks. He also takes x-factor, a supplement meant to increase the anabolic response to weightlifting.


in addition to that, he told me hes going to start taking this testosterone booster which frees up natural testosterone that is usually blocked by inhibitors, and it is also meant to block estrogen. the product is legal. its not an anabolic steroid. its meant to increase natural testosterone. the reason for my post is, he thinks that all of his friends will consider him a roid head if they find out hes taking it. i don't see any problem taking the test booster personally. but im the only person who knows about it.


anyway what im asking about isn't for the technical definition of "steroid user," hes really not taking steroids. but if you were to meet a guy who told you he was taking this stuff, would you be like "hes a roid head" as a loose generalization for someone whos into that crap.

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i would say yes. anything other than supplements and protein i'd say is unnatural. it's not like you can eat a chicken (protein) and get testosterone out of it. you are messing with the natural chemicals your body produces. it's not like phosphagen that occurs naturally in foods. you are adding something that shouldn't be there really. your body has it's own balance of testosterone it needs. some people need a boost to stay alive. i'll give you that. but to gain muscle, taking things like this can destroy your body.


same thing a HGH. it's legal. really expensive but legal. hurts people all the time.

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I definietly wouldnt label him a "roid head". Iv used loads of supplements; creatine, lukic, gakic, tribulus (which boosts natural testosterone levels), protein, Xenadryne, weight gainers, fat burners, NO Explode.... long list , but Im definitely not a 'roid head'. I honestly wouldnt care too much if a guy was taking all those supplements, unless I was interested in using one myself and wanted to know what his experience was on it. Also, as far as I know, no supplement can actually make you gain muscle by itself; it has to be done in conjunction with a good diet and weights program. All they really do is create or promote an anabolic state in your body (anabolic meaning that theres a muscle building environment in it)

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