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I have got a Knife right now to kill myself

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I have an idea, Princess. Why don't you step away from your troubles for just a little while and post a few times in some of the fun threads in the Off Topic section here? It won't solve your problems, but it might give you a bit of a chuckle to go along with all the sadness that really shouldn't be your whole life to begin with.


Whaddya say? Maybe?

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i know how you feel princess. I feel like that too sometimes. I just wanna lay down forever, sleep forever and ever and not have to talk to anyone or deal with anything. here is a fact:


life sucks. a lot. it doesnt matter where you come from, where you've been or where you're going - life has sucked, does suck and will continue to suck eventually in some shape or form.


it sounds like you're going through some stuff and im sorry. I hope you can get through it in one piece, I hope you chose to keep fighting.


Thats all i can say, sorry, I wish I could do more.

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Is there no glimmer in the darkness?, none what so ever? If there is even a slight sparkle in the black surely there is something, however small to keep you from doing this? Give yourself the oppertunity to find the light in your life if you haven't yet found it. don't give up on yourself.


You may think that life is the only thing you can control, so take control and chose to live it...


Love J xxx

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SP, Nobody here really knows exactly how you feel, we can't. As much as every time I post, I hope someone can just feel it so they could say "wow, you feel like that? I had no idea". Whats the kicker is we wish people in our real and every day lives could feel what we feel on the inside, put their hand on our backs and say, no matter what you did, no matter what you've been through, I love you.


Obviously you're not posting here because you feel like a million bucks, but i am going to say what is the best for someone in your position. You are very young and have your whole life ahead of you. That sounds cliche and such a BS thing for someone to say to you but it is true. Please, for heavans sake, put the knife away, throw it away somewhere, but get it out of your room. You are so young and such a precious, untainted soul and nobody wants to see you go.


I don't know what is bothering you but can you tell me, or us, so that we can talk to you? People on here have been through it all, and/or going through it now, depression, loss, guilt, shame, poverty, abuse, you name it. You came to this website because you wanted help. Tell us what's wrong.

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How can we help you, you can't go on like this, what has made you come to this point in your life, there must be a reason. Can you give as a better explanation. You said you talked to your mum and you will stay at your old school what is there more?

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Jade my life was a nightmare growing up and I promise you it was not easy when I was your age "it was like no one wanted to understand what I wanted to say and my hormones in my body was also kicking in making it a more confused time in sow many ways." The transition from been a girl to been a women. I hate to remember all the things that take place in once body at this stage.

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Well to tell the truth at your age I didn't know, but I never thought I would end in the engineering world, at age 15 I thought of becoming a nun. hehehe... Well today I laugh about it but when I was 15 I really wanted to.

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Jade, i have followed your story here for a few days and just want to say that you are not alone. Thirteen was one of the most tumultuous times I ever went thru in my life. Teen years are rough. My father had just been diagnosed mentally ill and my mother was distant and cold. I felt like no one cared nor did they even TRY to understand me.


But they DO get better. I don't say this as some corny canned answer but it's true. IT DOES get better. Never do anything so drastic that you will ruin your chance of seeing what your future can shape up to be.


I implore you to only think about the good things in your life right now. Give the good stuff 100% occupation in your brain and try not to think about the bad stuff.


Ever thought of writing poetry? I am not sure why this popped into my head but maybe you would be good at that? Sometimes a tortured soul is the most creative. I used to do that at your age and it helped make the time go by faster. I also used to draw a lot. A pen and paper were my most cherished possessions.


Trade that knife for a pen.

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