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Ex's reaction towards seeing me!?


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I dont know if you know the history to my break up, but i shant go into it now.


Basically, TODAY I coincidentally bumped into my ex, MY HEART RACED I didn't know what to do, but it was soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I mean i just feel so happy now, literally purely on the basis that we talked as two civilised friends. And he smiled at me a few times- it was probably just because i had a massive grin on my face the entire time, but to be honest it couldn't be avoided on both parts. How can you not smile when you haven't seen someone so significant for so long..it was just so nice.. Initially it was just basic small talk and I was just constantly like and he was like and then after 5 minutes he said he really needs to do his workout and hasn't really got time to chat at the minute. So I completely respected that and I was like oh sure sure, see you later. I was almost certain I wouldn't see him again, after I saw him go downstairs.


But......! About 15 minutes later he came back upstairs! I was actually running on the cross trainer for the entire time but we talked more, he just came and stood by me and was like "Hey and he was chatting away about things, plans for the weekend etc.etc. and i told him i wasn't doing anything in the evening because i was out the night before, and he seemed so interested in all my plans like he was like "oh where did you go last night? With who, anyone I know?" And we talked about uni for a bit, and then movies. After about 5-10 mins I even was smart enough to say "anyway listen I dont wanna hold you up.." , but he was like "Naah I have a little while longer before i have to go.." And so we talked a bit more.


Butttt the way it ended was slightly strange, he just randomly was like "ok so.. how long you gonna be running for?" and I just looked at the clock and was like "hmm i dunno".

And with that he was like ok, well seeya round then, and then walked off.

I dont know if I was being paranoid but this seemed slightly abrupt!!! WHAT DO YOU THINKKK? was i being a dope, do you think he was waiting for me to get off the machine??


Please give opinions XXXXXX


PS. Don't worry I'm not getting my hopes up, i just literally feel so happy and positive about the fact that we are on good terms. I feel good about myself regardless of whether we are in a relationship. The feeling sort of reminds me of my old baby crushes where when the guy said 'hello' it would make my day.

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I assume he broke up with you? yes its a good feeling. I cant help you ,I just had basically the same thing happen to me.but tells me she cant sleep panick attatcks etc. * * * ? I wish i knew something to tell you besides the usual NC never talk to him again. Hes a bum blah blah blah you hear here all the time . Sometimes I think people just love each other and when a problem comes around they dont know how to fix it.

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yeah i had the same with my ex aswel. except it was more romantic then anything, then the next day+ from then on she acted like she hated me till now (NC after a massive fight).


i could be dead wrong, but dont be surprised if it goes back to bad contact (if you know what i mean). its heart breaking all over again trust me.

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ha ha then get off the damn machine then. Am I missing something here?

4 months wow, we have been in LC for 2 months, there was the usual few weeks NC then we just email each other. most daily . Wish I knew what to say.I know one thing. Nothing makes sense in these things



oh we've been broken up for 4 months now

have been NC for most of the time like apart from a couple of exceptions

no i dont mind the usual contact here and there , i didnt think he was being a bum today! i thought he was being sweet. but im annoyed at myself for not getting off the damn machineeee!

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lol i dont understand. why/how can this be a BAD thingg??

please explain xxx



well my ex pushed me out of her life, then about 3 days later wanted to talk. when we talked everythign was all we like clicked and everything. i did my cute voice for her and she did hers and we said we missed each other and everything. said it felt good to be friends again, hugged alot, she was worried about my cough and said it was good to hear me happy again.


then the next day, she never replyed to any of my texts. the day after that, she bas angry at me for no reson, didn't want to talk to me ect.. then the day after that she confessed her feelings for my best friend............


so yeah. im not saying its a bad thing, its proberly a good thing. but yeah thats what happened to me when i was like that it wasnt to good lol.



good luck

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You were running & weren't finished, so it was best that you just did your natural thing instead of adjusting your plans to manipulate the situation in any way.


I think you did a good thing in showing independence & self care, in finishing your workout.


As someone else said, he knows how to reach you if he wants to.


You sound like you still really like him so I hope it works out in a way that makes you happy.

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Hey thank you all for your advice!!

I have an update for you! He texted me last night at 1am for general chit chat and we were texting for about an hour and he was being quite cold and ditached but i think he was actually trying to figure out if I have a boyfriend. That's what I gathered from "soo anyything new and exciting in your life?" I replied in a very general way saying im excited about going away in easter, and asked him the same question and he replied saying there's nothing that exciting in his life because everything seems to be meaningless and he's going through a bit of a cynical phase. I then just replied saying stuff like oh dont worry im sure you'll be feeling more positive when the work load calms down etc. giving really upbeat advice! he replied saying that I "sound really different but cant figure out what it is", and i was like " i hope you've figured out what you mean by that by the next time i bump into you" and he said 'i'll forget by then im sure. good night".


What on earth is he/was he trying to say here??

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Who knows? Maybe even he doesn't..


It could be that he's trying to reestablish contact with you but for some reasons feels a little insecure and is acting hurt and a little childish. Or it may be that he's feeling hot and cold and wants to test the ground with you but not do anything more..


The way I see it, you can either sit back, get on with your own stuff and see if he comes up with something more imaginative - like asking to meet up someplace. Or you can take the initiative and ask him out. If he did the dumping I would suggest waiting for him to take the initiative. Good luck.

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