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I can't believe this helped!

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Quick background story: two weeks ago the ex I had been seeing again (and thought I had been winning back) told me in no uncertain terms that there was no way we were ever getting back together. I was devastated, heartbroken, you name it. At work all I could think about was how I could win her back, but by the time i got home to call or email or whatever i would realize how silly i was being and wouldn't.


We both still care about each other, and both want to be friends but I needed some space to get over her and she was willing to give it too me.


The Scoop: She came over last night to pick something up from my apartment and we had about 10 minutes alone to talk. She tells me she has a new boyfriend she has been official with since valentines day. I stood dumbfounded and waiting to get upset or angry or jealous or something . . . IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!


She even showed me some pictures of him, sitting on her couch . . . He looks like he could be my twin! same body type, same face, exact same nose and facial expression. I think she has the exact same picture of me in the same place even. I told her i was glad she's found someone and I am, because I love her and want her to be happy.


Today I feel great! no delusions about winning her back. I know for sure i have no chance! Even though I still miss her I feel for the first time in two weeks that I can finally move on! I've turned the corner.


No real point to this post, I just wanted to tell you guys that I've turned the corner in the most surprising of ways.


So chin up everyone going trough a tough breakup, there is hope!

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Ye right! I had the same thing trying to save the relationship until the death nail of a new fella was metioned.You are defeated and the feelings you have are of calmness before the storm.Give it a few days and you will be thinking of them 2 and the pain will blow up.Unless your incredbly resiliant it hurts.

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Nice to hear that you took it so well. I guess seeing the pics of her and the guy made it more real. Perhaps her showing them to you was EVEN BETTER somehow.

I mean I remember coming accross pics of an ex and his new girl on a site like myspace a week or so after our break up and OMG... I had haunting nightmares for some time and I just felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart literally.

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Ye right! I had the same thing trying to save the relationship until the death nail of a new fella was metioned.You are defeated and the feelings you have are of calmness before the storm.Give it a few days and you will be thinking of them 2 and the pain will blow up.Unless your incredbly resiliant it hurts.


I'm pretty sure that happened already two weekends ago when she hooked up with another guy at a party we were both at, 12 hours after breaking my heart. now THAT was pain, and i mean physically painful.

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I'm pretty sure that happened already two weekends ago when she hooked up with another guy at a party we were both at, 12 hours after breaking my heart. now THAT was pain, and i mean physically painful.


Wow... she sounds pretty inconsiderate to me...

I would never do that to someone who I dumped. Maybe be a bit more less open about it sheesh. What happened to sparing peoples feelings.

I guess the good thing which comes with her inconsiderateness is that she didn't leave you with false hopes.

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Wow... she sounds pretty inconsiderate to me...

I would never do that to someone who I dumped. Maybe be a bit more less open about it sheesh. What happened to sparing peoples feelings.

I guess the good thing which comes with her inconsiderateness is that she didn't leave you with false hopes.


Yeah, that night definitely changed my opinion of her as a person. but again, there was a funny side to that also; the "guy" was 16 and has a GF (both still in Highschool) he is the the little brother of a friend of hers. She's 23. Although i didn't find it funny at the time, looking back it sure is.

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Yeah, that night definitely changed my opinion of her as a person. but again, there was a funny side to that also; the "guy" was 16 and has a GF (both still in Highschool) he is the the little brother of a friend of hers. She's 23. Although i didn't find it funny at the time, looking back it sure is.


hahaha yea.. I know what you mean. I am the same: I will find something bad and see the humor. It is a bit pathetic.. what did she wait for her friends brother to become legal so she could put the moves?

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