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What are your thoughts about what makes a Soul Mate?


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I was just wondering, how do you personally define soul mate, if you believe in such a thing?


Do you think a soul mate is someone found by accident, coincidence or some divine plan?


Do you think soul mates are strictly a male-female love relationship kind of thing?


Could soul mates be strictly platonic?


If soul mates were in love, what would happen if they broke up?

Could former "lover" soul mates become friends?


Can you have more than one soul mate in life?


I think soul mates do exist and that I have found mine. I am in love with him, and feel we will always be connected in some way, no matter what becomes of our love relationship. I have to say that before meeting him, I was a skeptic. After many relationships and 20 years of a fairly loveless marriage, I am now convinced soul mates do in fact exist, at least to some degree.


I am just curious as to what others think.

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god tbh i dont even know.

i know they exsist but i dont think there ment to fall into your arms, like everyone will magicly have a soul mate (i wish).


i thought i found mine, and i still do. they just dont think of me in that way anymore (fell out of love for no reson).



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I think the word soul mate gets used so often that it has become trite and meaningless. A person gets into a relationship and within a month or so are talking about that person being their soul mate. "Ooh, we are sooo in love, we are soul mates, I have never felt like this about anybody before, this is sooo different". 1 year or so later the relationship breaks off. Within a few months the person is now involved in a new relationship with yet another soul mate...the process repeats: "Ooh, we are sooo in love, we are soul mates, I have never felt like this about anybody before, this is sooo different". Wash, rinse, repeat.


I believe you can have a really strong connection with someone and it can be different from any connection you have ever had with anyone else...but relationships change and evolve over time and what matters is if the two people change and grow together. I think there is a big difference between a "transient soul mate" and a "permanent soul mate". The transient soul mates are not really soul mates...they are a partner who fits with who you are at the time but then doesn't fit as one or both of you change or as the relationship progresses beyond the honeymoon stage. Permanent soul mate can only be determined once one of the partner dies...then the person left can reflect on the blissfullness of the union which only ended because of the death of their partner.


This whole soul mate notion belongs right up there with candle light dinners & wine, a dozen roses, a single rose etc.....what people take for the gospel truth of romance is really nothing more than seduction....all fluff and no substance and very cliché.

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I agree almost completely with Crazyaboutdogs except for the transient/permanent soul mate theory. The fact of the matter is that all relationships require attention. If that attention is removed or diminishes then that relationship is in jeopardy. The attention most come from both parties.


That said my answer is as follows: Yes there are indeed soul mates. But there isn't just one, and to cultivate the relationship requires both people be involved in its success.



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Do you think a soul mate is someone found by accident, coincidence or some divine plan?


I don't have access to the Universal Blueprint. All I know is that it feels like divine providence.


Do you think soul mates are strictly a male-female love relationship kind of thing?


No. My best friend when I was growing up was like a vital organ to me and I nearly died along with him.


Could soul mates be strictly platonic?


Yes. Sex is not love.


If soul mates were in love, what would happen if they broke up?


One or more of a limitless number of things.


Could former "lover" soul mates become friends?


Yes, if they were both up for it... which is rare.


Can you have more than one soul mate in life?


What a cruel world it would be if we couldn't! But I also think that, as we look back from the end of our lives, it won't be hard to see which was the One Great Love among the rest.

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soul mate = 2 parts suger, chopped mints, strawberries, lol jk.


i think there are several soulmates for everyone. it depends on finding a person you can stand to be around the rest of your life. not really settling, but you are attracted to them, share common interests, and like being around each other.

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We are human beings and live in the moment. In that moment, we are infatuated with whomever we are with. We like to believe that we are with someone who was destined to be our soul mate. Little do we realize, we are with one of thousands, perhaps millions of people that we are compatible with, and we like to think it is something unique.

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