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my love is going away from me

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i have a huge problem!!!!!!i have met a girl that i really love and she knows that i love her and i'm not sure if she loves me too but all i know is that being near her and talkin to her and even thinking about her makes me happier than i have ever been. i have known her for 5 years and we are very good friend. but i want more. i just discovered today that she is leaving to go to western australia. and i live in tasmania. it broke my heart to hear this. the love of my life is going to be leaving me here. i dont know what to do. she is the only reason i go to school. she is the only thing that makes life worth living. without her, i'm afraid that my school life will suck!!!!!!!! and everytime i think about the fact that shes leaving a start to cry and i just can't help it.

please help me and tell me what i should do



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Phew, well you got it bad eh!


First things first, you say she knows how you feel about her, but you HAVE to know how she feels about you before you can make any decisions here.


Also I dont how old you are, if your under 18 then my advice would be to sit tight and try and stay in contact with her when she goes and in time maybe you can be together.


If your older then things are different. If you find out she likes you too, then hell man, you gotta get on that bus and go with her! Your own sense of reality will be telling you not to as well as people around you, but dont listen to any of it.


Let me tell you something, a long time ago I was in the same situation, I loved a girl more than life itself, she had to move, everything and everyone told me to forget her and move on rather than blowing out everything I knew and going with her. I listened to them and didnt go, I quickly realised it was a mistake but it was too late, after that I promised myself I will never let something like that slip by me again.


remember, you get one life buddy, and you dont know how many times in it you gonna feel what you feel for this girl, so you MUST go for it, whatever the sacrifices and whatever it takes.


Be true to yourself.

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From what I read your head over heals, and you dont want to just let

her pass you by, so I say you should just go for it tell her how you feel

face to face and ask her how she's feels about you. You never know what

could happen, But if you dont try you'll never know, and I'm sure you'll

regret it if you don't say anything at all. Also FYI try and make it

romantic the way you approch her, that is if and when you do. Maybe

with flowers or some little touch of your own just to let her know

your sincere. Well I hope this helps you in any decision you make.

good luck

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thanks for replying to me. the only problem is that i'm only 15 and i would love to go with her cause i'm afraid that i'll never see her again. i should go up to her but i don't want anybody else to be around and i don't want to embarrass myself if she doesn't feel the same way too.


should i ask her out on a good-bye date before she leaves?



waynerwayner, how did you cope after she left and how do you cope with it now, like are you over her or do you wish that she was still by your side?


thanks for your advice guys



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