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Is this going to turn into anything,long distance?

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I met this guy in the Navy. He was leaving town that next morning. We talked for about 4 hours, then he left. 2 days later, he came back for one night. We went out, had a good time, had sex and spent the night together. He was really sweet, and made me feel like a queen. He had to leave again. About 10 days later, he came back. We hung out again, had wonderful sex again, and then spent the night together again. Then he had to go to Cuba the next day.(Where he is currently stationed) We've kept in contact by email since he's been there. He will be returning in June for a visit. My question is: Do you think him and I could ever turn into anything, considering the way we started out? Do you think he thinks Im "too easy"?

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I think he is interested in you, and dont believe he thinks your easy, at least you didnt sleep with him on the first date.


plus he seems to want to be with you more. for someone that has to travel a lot, its not easy, and sometimes things need to go quicker than normal when he is available.


just be who you are, and take it at the pace you feel comfortable with.

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Hey i think that uShould approach the situation with a open mind that , first of all he does like u , otherwise why see u again


He is a sailor and i have a few sailor friends and they get enough women , so its not like sex would be a issuse with him , so i would take it that yeah he does like u!!


but take it slow i mean, take it as i t comes unless u fell stronger in that case tell him!


g luck

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