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I feel socially paralyzed...


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I want to be social and trusting but it's hard for me at times to really step up and be assertive towards building a positive social life.


I like to retreat back into my shell and think about things as they once were rather than how they are now.


A lot of the time I know how to say what I want to but I just don't know how to express it.


Perfect Example: Tonight one of my best friends wanted me to go out to the clubs with him and party. His bday was last week. But I declined. Without any real reason on why I shouldn't go besides the fact that spending money on booze all weekend doesn't sound to appealing. Even though I know I'd have a good time.


Sometimes I just feel shackled by my own thoughts. How can I break free of this so I can socially express myself as I really am? :splat:

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