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I'm so mad at him, and I don't know what to do

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Ok, i wanna know if there are any other solutions besides telling him to hit the road.


Ok, i'm in a FWB relationship with this guy. We use to live in the same town and all but then I moved away to go to college, I only live bout 40 minutes to an hour away, I've been here for 6 weeks and he hasn't been up here once. Every time I'm home, no matter how busy I am, no matter how many people I have to see, or places I have to go, or how long I'm home (like one night) I always, always make time to see him. It's crazy how many times i've lied to my parents, my friends, everyone, just so that I could come him, because I love him and miss him.


Wed. when I was home, he told me he was going to try and get Friday night off work, and come up and spend the night with me. Obviously he didn't get the night off work (he told me tonight, Monday) but he never called, email or message me to let me know he wasn't coming. On top of that he didn't message me all weekend to let me know anything.


I found out last night that he had lied to me, he had told me that he didn't have msn messenger, because it messed up his computer, yet while just looking at profiles of people who live in my town, I ran accrossed his profile. I figured it was old and all, but when I took a closer look, i noticed at the bottom that he had last updated it at the nd of Oct. so he had been lying to me since Sept. (for like 2 months now).


Tonight he comes online hes like im sorry i know your mad, i don't blame you, I'm like ya i'm mad, then he goes off line before we can talk anymore, before we can try and fix the problem, before anything.


I'm mad, but I'm not mad in the way like when you want to punch someone out I'm mad in the sense that I just want to just curl up and cry.....I'm mad, but I'm hurt too, if you know what I mean. I love him so much though, and I really miss him, that I just don't know what to do!?!?!

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Alright....I'll give you the same advice everyone else will, because it's the obvious one. TALK TO HIM. Let him know that you'd appreciate knowing exactly where you stand, since he hasn't been very reliable as far as getting together goes, that you like his company, etc. But also keep in mind that your relationship IS the FWB, and, as such, he's not as committed to you as you'd like.


If you want more, ask him how he feels about it. Or, if you think the trend will continue, let him know it's not acceptable to you and that you'd like to see him make a little bit more of an effort like you've done. If he's not willing to commit to this, then you know where you stand. Sad, but true. Good luck, I sincerely hope he's just going through an absentminded phase for your sake!



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Believe me sweetie, I know how you feel.


My first bit of advice to you is COMMUNICATE and talk to him.


There is nothing more painful than being UNABLE to talk to the person you love. We are vulnerable - we need to share our fears and be reassured.


When you fail to communicate such feelings, it will spur us to hurt the person we love, then we actually will become the vilain of the relationship. Silent hurts turn into anger and when you finally express those hurts or feelings they come out to seem exaggerated.


[/i] "Communication: Opens hearts, Opens minds."


Releasing those feelings is a big part of being in a relationship. Love is only possible when we can tell our partners how we really feel.


I was in the same situation as you are now. 'Til I realized I wasn't communicating with my boyfriend.


Don't pretend that everything is all-right. It is a waste of time and tears.


Well I hope I helped you.


Good luck!

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I think you should stop the wb part of your relationship until he talks to you. I think there is something going on more than meets the eyes here. I am looking at this from a males point of view too. There is something he is not telling you. I think it is time to talk to this guy about where you stand in this relationship. I do have to warn you that it may not be what you want to hear. I hope I am wrong on this one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry your feeling bad


I liked what that ladies said. They are 100% right. But the Hubman is talking from a male perspective and so am I. My feeling are and have always believed the if you look up the word Unalatteral (I'm sure the spelling is wrong) but it means one sided. And that sounds like you have that going on Big Time. It also sounds to me, this guy has some hidden agendas. And I don't like that stuff. Don't make a committment to someone if you still want to play the field. Tom Cruise said to Jack Nickelson once in a movie, "I WANT THE TRUTH" and Jack said back....."YOU can't HANDLE THE TRUTH" I know alot of people like that.

I normally call them con artist, B.S. artist....and liars. I know you love him but you better check into some things a little deeper before you put everything on the line. I don't like the guy and I don't even know him. I wish you the best and hope things work out for you. I hate broken hearts more than anything in the whole wide world. I was someone would invent a pill to make the pain go away quicker.


Warm Regards and Peace of mind


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