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Is this creepy/odd/clingy?


This guy I met on link removed... We haven't even met in person yet. I gave him my email really fast because I wasn't going to subscribe again.

Well he sends me 2 emails for every one I send.

I only send one

He sent 4, including a birthday e-card...


Should I give this guy the benefit of the doubt? Or is this too much like I think it is? I am known for letting the littlest things get in the way and that is why I have been single for ages.

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Hmm. For me it'd depend on exactly what the emails were. For example, I can be fairly absent minded. I'll send an email to someone, then five minutes later I'll remember something or realize something that I need to get in contact with them about, and I'll shoot off another email while rolling my eyes at myself, heh. For example, right now my advisor has around three emails from the same day from me. One of them is a thank you for a website he sent me, another is a request to be forwarded a story someone in the workshop didn't email me, and another is an "oh crap, I just deleted something important, oh, I sent him a copy, hey, do you still have that?"

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Are they two emails of the same or two totally different emails? I think when people initially start to get to know someone, they tend to be a bit chatty and friendly to show their interest.


But I understand that being too needy and clingy can be a turn off for some people. I am guilty myself of being needy and clingy as I too would be turned off by someone who is needy and clingy.

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I'll never understand the dating game. I've been in a relationship too long >.


Personally, I would appreciate that kind of attention. Either he is telling you, I'M INTERESTED in bright, flashing lights. Or is just trying to get the ball rolling and letting you both get to know each other more.


If this guy was really, really attractive, both in looks and substance, would you probably be more open to receiving more emails from him?

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I'll never understand the dating game. I've been in a relationship too long >.


Personally, I would appreciate that kind of attention. Either he is telling you, I'M INTERESTED in bright, flashing lights. Or is just trying to get the ball rolling and letting you both get to know each other more.


If this guy was really, really attractive, both in looks and substance, would you probably be more open to receiving more emails from him?


Yeah probably

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Yep, trust you instincts as stated above post... your gut is tugging at you, so listen to it loud and clear... so keep it lite and polite don't give out too much more personal info to him and see if his "pattern" continues and if you still clasify it as "somewhat creepy?' then let go, move on and trust your instincts... so many times we ignore those feelings and it's a mistake, so give it some more time, but listen to your gut...

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