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I'm FINALLY going to go see her


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well, it's true. In about a couple of weeks i'm going to go visit the girl i've been talking to for about 6 months!

I'm sure some of you know what kind of crap we went through but i'm just so glad it's happening


but now, i don't know what to think haha. I know all of you said that it's important to visit someone you've met on the net as soon as possible, and well for us - it's been 6 months. 6 months of things we went through and we grew a lot onto eachother.


For all those people who went to visit people they met online, i'm just asking - what kind of state of mind should i be in?


i mean i'm REEALLY excited it's happening NOW finally, but what if something happens and she doesn't like who i am in person. i just keep that in mind and it's been making me nervous for awhile. and if we feel 10 TIMES more after we meet for eachother, like we're meant to be, it's going to be hard going through another couple of months without being with her even though i'm sure i'm going to visit her again soon if everything goes really well. i know i can make it but it seems like there's always a possiblity of something 'bad' happening.


i'm so nervous too, how do i act around her? i know i should be myself but i don't want to do something stupid or anything. we've been talking about visiting eachother for so long and now that it's finally happening, i want everything to go well


how should i feel?


thanks -

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I say if you are comfortable with seeing her, She in turn will be comfortable..Remember a special sort of Extra sensory that women have is the ability to pick up on a mans chemicals that he "unknowingly" shoots out when "nervous, Shy, Angry, Depressed, happy, and Most important one i believe is "Confidence" when you have that your in good shape, It's crucial to maintain and up-keep when you see this girl for the first time, Be excited when you see her, give her a hug. say "oh it's great to finally see you in person" something like that, It will break Ice quickly, and make both of you much more "relaxed" thru-out the day(s) you are visiting....Good luck and remember that "confidence" is the key.

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Having been in a very similar situation my only advice would be to go with an open mind and try not to have too many expectations, its very easy to form a picture of someone you chat to on line, I would hope that you have already conversed on the telephone if not I strongly recommend you do so several times before you meet up. remember safety issues meet in a public place and let people know when you arrive and where you are and keep letting them know that you are safe (text messaging is the easiest way to do this), keep the date low key and if you find the spark is lacking then do not drag it out any longer than necessary, be polite and dont put any pressure on your date, I think maybe you have left it too long to meet up and would recommend that in the future you meet up with any potential net buddies sooner rather than later

I wish you well

let us know how it went and Good Luck!

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I agree with Frenchie....I advise meeting pretty soon. You might get on like a 'house on fire' online, but meeting in real life is totally different. You might find that there is no 'spark' and shallow as it might seem, physical attraction is important. No matter how many photos of the person one might have already seen....real life IS not the same.


Anyway, I still wish you luck. This might be the love of your dreams after all!!

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