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My boyfriend says he loves me and we've made a lot of sacrifices for eachother. But lately he's been talking about having a threesome with one of my friends. This makes me feel like I'm not enough and he wants something more.


The thought of seeing him with another woman breaks my heart...


Help please.

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I myself think the same thing often but I cared about my gf enough not to bring it up. I know if she wanted to have a threesome with another guy and myself i couldn't handle that. Then to my surprise she said we should find another girl sometime! I was probably beaming.


It hasn't happened yet and we both decided it would be better if it wasn't one of her friends as well.


If it doesn't happen i'll be fine with it as well, if it does then cool.

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My boyfriend says he loves me and we've made a lot of sacrifices for eachother. But lately he's been talking about having a threesome with one of my friends. This makes me feel like I'm not enough and he wants something more.


The thought of seeing him with another woman breaks my heart...


Help please.


Do not allow yourself to stay in any relationshp where a guy wants you to compromise your own self respect and integrity to do something that is not healthy and respectful for your precious heart.


Remember it's not about "you not being enough and he want's more" this is about HIM being selfish and wanting whatever makes HIM feel good and whatever HE wants at the expense of your relationship..

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My boyfriend says he loves me and we've made a lot of sacrifices for eachother. But lately he's been talking about having a threesome with one of my friends. This makes me feel like I'm not enough and he wants something more.


The thought of seeing him with another woman breaks my heart...


Help please.


what sacrifices has he made to deserve a THREESOME? inquiring minds want to kwon

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it doesn't matter "what sacrifices HE has made" all that matters is that you remember that NO sacrifice is worth compromising your own sense of self, your self respect, your intamcy, your own values or standards.. A compromise is one thing, but to sacrifice your mind, body and heart for a roll in the hay.. well that is NEVER worth it, it's just not.. do NOT allow yourself to do this for HIM... you will only then feel as if you have lost a part of your precious self.. do NOT do it. the thought of it "breaks your heart" SO DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF to be manipulated into thinking you could do this out of "love" for him, you have to LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, and you won't like yourself if you choose to get invovled with something that "breaks you heart"... and this will, it will, it's just best for him to leave it as a fantasy in his own mind.. and not for YOU to compromise your precious body, heart and mind for a few moments of HIS fantasy.yuk..it's so NOT worth it.

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ermmmm, just say no.


lots of guys have fantasies about threesomes and would be THRILLED if they could talk their girlfriends into it, but the reality is if the girlfriend doesn't like the idea and goes thru with it, it can be the beginning to the end of the relationship.


she can't get the images of him and the other girl out of her mind, and is resentful that she was expected to perform lesbian acts with another woman for his amusement.


tell him to get his porno in a video, not a live sex show with you in it! if it turns you on then i'd say fine, enjoy, but it usually turns out very very badly if you do cave and go there just because he wants it and you don't.

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I used reverse psycology on my boyfriend and one day asked him, "if i wanted to have a threesome with you and another girl, what would you say?". He answered, "hmmmm, if thats what you wanted then i would do it". Then i got cut! This wasnt the answer i was wanting to hear (i guess i should never have asked such a stupid question). For him to say this, it makes me think that he would like to root another girl. The thorght of that makes me sick!

I then asked him, "what about with me and another man?" and the answer was a definate no! Because he would "never want to be naked next to another man". So its ok for him to be with 2 girls but not me with 2 men! grrrrrr

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