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two girls.... one boy.... a whole lotta headache

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i have a problem. im a junior in high school. theres this girl, carrie. shes not allowed to date, but we like eachother, so weve been kinda carrying on. and shes CRAZY for me. i like her too, though not as much as she likes me. weve kissed already. then theres this other girl, amber. me and amber like eachother too. i like amber too, if anything a slight bit more then carrie. and shes allowed to date, and itd be easier. were probably gonna get together. what do i do about carrie. i dont wanna hurt her. whats the best thing to do. i need help and u ppl have always been here for me.

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Basically, it's up to you which one you want to go out with. Obviously there are some difficulties in dating Carrie, if you think you'd like to go with her, you may have to ask her what you're going to do about dating since she's not supposed to.


I doubt you'll get away being with both of them, although you may be able to retain one as a friend. However, if they both like you, don't expect that to happen, or be easy.


Like anything else in life though, sometimes other's do end up being hurt by our actions, just be fair and open about it, and don't do anything that will hurt her on purpose.

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Yea, I'm still following this topic and it's true. You are better off leaving the other chick fast as you said, she does like you and the sooner and cleaner you cut it, the better. I gotta say, I don't like the sound of the new girl in your life, it just seems wrong to butt in on an already exisiting relationship.


Anyway, hear from you soon?


Happy Heb

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first of all, thanks for the advice. no, me and carrie did not have sex or anything. weve kissed (without tongue). but how do i go about breaking it off so that ill hurt her the least. i really dont wanna hurt her. and heb, why dont u like the sound of the other girl? i want u to butt in. feel free to tell me these things. if i didnt want u ppl butting in, id have stayed off this site.

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