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What is the plan for New Years Eve?

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Cab, you took the words right out of my mouth. I am celebrating the end of 2007 myself. I don't know about you but I feel a since of excitement at the upcoming new year and all of the possibilities that it holds. I don't have any plans by I know I'll breathe a huge sigh of release that 2007 is not just gone...but GONE FOR GOOD!



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I didn't think about it till you said it. I'm happy to put 2007 behind me. I don't mean to be ungrateful, but not a lot happened for me. I had friends get married, get engaged, buy houses, have children. Me, I just worked my butt off at a job that's been hella stressful. I'm READY for 2008! Bring it on!!

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Last year for New Years I was alone. I was seeing a woman at the time but she was out of the country vacationing with her kids. I couldnt stand the thought of being home alone, so I decided to take a trip to upstate NY and go skiing, for the first time in over 10 years. It was nice.


To anyone who is going to be alone on New Years Eve..if you think it is going to be hard for you...then try to get up and out...singles events, a ski trip like I did, a visit to relatives, be a third wheel to your friends...anything besides staying home and drinking/drugging yourself into a miserable stupor.

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I hate New Year's Eve. I was invited to the usual party I am invited to every year. Last year and this year I was invited for a quick dinner at the host/hostess' house beforehand. I provided a lift for a mutual friend who is terminal with breast cancer. I am in a bit of a bind right now because the dinner is at 6:00 and the party starts at 8:00. Last year by about 9:00 my friend was tired so we left and I took her home. I was happy enough to go back home as well...I prefer being home on New Year's Eve. There is another mutual friend that goes to these parties and she is closer to the hostess than I am...but she was not invited to dinner last year, nor this year. This year she asked me for a lift to the party. Normally that wouldn't be a problem but because I am already going to be at the house for the dinner prior to the party, I really don't want to leave (and lose a precious parking spot) so that I can go pick her up and bring her to the party. Yet, I can't tell her that I will already be at the house because then she will be hurt that she hadn't been invited for dinner. So I am currently in an awkward position and I am not sure what to do or if I should just not bother going at all...it would save explanations and hurt feelings etc. Also, I don't know if the weather will be that great.

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Oh man, 2007 sucked so badly. The breakup was in June. Two weeks later my sister was sexually assaulted. Two weeks after that my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer.


I bought train tickets to visit a friend in Champaign. We're going to go to a club and buy cheap drinks and get smashed (this is my first NYE as a 21 year old). I spent last NYE doing Jaegerbombs in my ex's kitchen with him and a few of his high school friends. I think this will be a vast improvement.

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Oh man, 2007 sucked so badly. The breakup was in June. Two weeks later my sister was sexually assaulted. Two weeks after that my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer.


I bought train tickets to visit a friend in Champaign. We're going to go to a club and buy cheap drinks and get smashed (this is my first NYE as a 21 year old). I spent last NYE doing Jaegerbombs in my ex's kitchen with him and a few of his high school friends. I think this will be a vast improvement.


July 12 I turned the big 50

July 21 GF dumps me

October 29 I lost my job


What a year....

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CAD, are you telling me you don't know what to do? my world is spinning...the sky is falling...the rock i lean against doesn't know what to do!!!


kidding obviously. you are such a great great person i hate to see you in a pinch. i got no plans want me to chauffeur?


Problem is sorted...I called the host of the party and it seems that the other person is indeed invited for dinner so I will pick her up when I pick up the other person. She will be able to get a lift home with someone else since I will likely be going home by 9:00 and will take the woman with cancer home. I am relieved that this sorted itself out.

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I love this thread!! Everyone is bashing on 2007 and I love it!! 2007 is the worst!!!!


But ya New Years is definitely the holiday I fear the most. I will be with friends but I will no doubt feel lonley. I was with my ex for 2 new years before now, and I loved how romantic we made the holiday.


But oh well!! 2008 here we come!!!!

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