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really confused, need help a.s.a.p plz!!!


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im really embaressed and scared at the same time about this situation. ok i met this really great guy, and i mean great, he's got a warm, loving and helpful personality which is obvious of his job and my problem. he happens to be a receptionist at my college, and yep i like him. i deff no that he finds me attractive, as we've got glass everywhere in the reception area and i can see him sizing me up and grinning(and i suppose when i talk to him i do flirt) but theres probably no chance of us hookin up coz he's a member of staff, and he might be married, or be to old?!he looks about 22-25ish. so should i just shake off these feelings and forget, or ould this be something to persue?and yeah i know there are thousands of gorg girls he see's all day, so what makes me so different right?well i can feel it and i know he gets the same vibe as me.


i really wanna get to know him more, but im starting to get more shy, and its not for somthing serious, i wud just like to hang out with him or go for a drink, but due to the circumstances i cant be like mr receptionisnt guy fancy a drink even though you cud be married or with a long term partner and find me an absolute joke?


so can anyone help me unscramble my head, and suggest what i should do?

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dam home girl.........usually guys have a problem with girl about being "shy" and this n that..... looks like it goes both ways... well if he is married then i guess don't touch... if no then just holla.... and why is it that guys have to break the ice first... most of the time... in most cases.... so.... go up to him and get to know him better girl.... i bet he would be more shy than you would be... trust me guys are shy of girl... it's all f#*ked up like that... haha

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