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Feeling hopeless ... Is something wrong with me???


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I must be hideous. I have no idea what else to think. No one wants to date me. I have people telling me I'm "beautiful" .. so why am I ALWAYS overlooked? I can't take this any more. I don't know what's wrong with me!! If it's not my looks then it must be my personality. I'm not bubbly or vivacious or any of those things. I can be very awkward at times. I am tired of watching everyone around me get what they want .. or who they want. I am so lonely. I just want to curl up and cry this out, but this feeling has lasted so long now. I know it won't go away even if I do cry.


I feel so empty inside. If it wasn't for my son, I don't think I'd want to continue on.

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Well, if you have a son, he has a father. The father saw something in you, since you were intimate with you.


thereforeeee, your exclamation that "no one wants to date you" is erroneous. You are just in a very negative state right now, and you aren't being realistic.


It's a cycle. You get down, your attitude projects to others, they arent interested in you, so you feel worse. Rinse and repeat.

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Kalika. I am the male equivalent of you. Or so it seems. I guess its my attitude at times gets in my way.


I have the hardest time keeping my head 100% positive and that single fact has cost me a lot of relationships.


I, too, am lonely because of this. But I don't know when I am being negative or whatever people say about me. I just am me, and no one understands that. Sometimes I just want to be left alone, and people get super offended because of this. But if people could be inside of my mind, they would know that my feelings are always there and present for them, no matter who they are to me.


Its like they want this person who is ALWAYS cheery. No one can be that way. Do you identify with this?

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It really is all about attitude. You're not expected to walking around laughing and smiling all day, but if you believe no-one wants you then no-one will.


If you start believing in yourself - that you do deserve love and happiness, then it will come to you.


Be patient. It will happen for you...and when it does it will happen so quickly.



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