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Hi everyone,


Need some inspiration.

December/Christmas is a really tough time normally for me, and now that Im almost 4 months into my break up (NC) Im really feeling it just now. I cant stop crying. I've done everything Im supposed to do pretty much and have re-evaluated parts of my life with illuminating clarity. But it doesn't change the way I feel. Last Christmas was so full of love and hope for the first time in years. This Christmas is looking really bleak. I know how rare it is to meet someone special and I feel the loss of it so painfully now.

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i understand your pain, holidays are harder for sure...but stay strong, believe in yourself and keep moving forward! surround urself with ppl that DO care about you....


think bout it....u've survived this far without him, you will survive for many more months/yrs/decades to come!

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Yeah I know where you are at with this Christmas thing. Just two weeks ago my fiance and I called it quits. I had to move out into an apartment. I am not looking forward to this Christmas or this New years. I am still in the stage of asking myself why didnt this work. I also work with her and have to see her everyday. It is so hard because she did not have to change anything. I was the one who moved out and had to get an apartment. It is very quiet and very lonely. My parents are not really big into Christmas and they are not getting along well either and I dont really have any friends. I am just wishing December away. So you are not alone and I am there feeling the same way. Sorry I dont have any inspirational things to say to you. Just know where you are at.

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We all go through periods of adjustment. Ups and downs are to be expected, especially this time of year.


I cried for days straight over Thanksgiving. Started Thursday night after the future ex and kids left for his place. Didn't stop until that Sunday night. And when it was over, I felt better, as if I had gone through a trial and came through fine. In those three days, I learned a lot about myself and found a way to forgive my spouse for being a * * * * . Perhaps there's something to learn in your tears, too. They can be cleansing.

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I've done everything Im supposed to do pretty much and have re-evaluated parts of my life with illuminating clarity. But it doesn't change the way I feel.


Just have faith that the effort that you are putting into this will pay off someday, somehow. The holidays will be rough but you'll make it through and maybe feel a little stronger on the other side.


Take care!

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Thank you. I think I will start to plan things out a bit next week. Seems late in some peoples eyes, but I do things last minute anyway!! I know its not going to be easy, or necessarily happy. But I can hold onto the fact that this break up is behind me and I can look forward to more peace in the coming year hopefully.

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I feel your pain,last year it was so special and my gift was in one of the ornaments.It was all about starting our new life together..then sad things happened..now im alone this christmas and Im going to miss him but I will be strong...things will be better for all of us


Hi everyone,


Need some inspiration.

December/Christmas is a really tough time normally for me, and now that Im almost 4 months into my break up (NC) Im really feeling it just now. I cant stop crying. I've done everything Im supposed to do pretty much and have re-evaluated parts of my life with illuminating clarity. But it doesn't change the way I feel. Last Christmas was so full of love and hope for the first time in years. This Christmas is looking really bleak. I know how rare it is to meet someone special and I feel the loss of it so painfully now.

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