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Is it a sin


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Hey I don't masturbate, but I wanted to know if it was considered a sin or morally wrong. I read in the bible about onan and it seemed to have a problem wit da fact dat Onan refused to keep his brother's heritage going and the bible never really flat out says masturbation is wwrong, I believe lustful thoghts and pornographic thoughts are sins but I am not sure if masturbation without these thoughts is wrong pleez help.

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Hey I don't masturbate, but I wanted to know if it was considered a sin or morally wrong. I read in the bible about onan and it seemed to have a problem wit da fact dat Onan refused to keep his brother's heritage going and the bible never really flat out says masturbation is wwrong, I believe lustful thoghts and pornographic thoughts are sins but I am not sure if masturbation without these thoughts is wrong pleez help.


I am in deeeep trouble if they are! haha


Seriously though is it that much of an issue for you?

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whut the guy before me said.... and plus it's healthy for you when you do "jack off" haha.... read it ... it's in health mags.... it's also a part of life man.... getting to know yourself..... don't hide from what's in your genes man.... get real....


It is? Never knew that. In what way is it? I think i heard that it helps prevent testicular cancer or prostate cancer but i don't know if that is true.

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  • 2 weeks later...

masterbating is NOT a sin. that passage was just used to scare kids from doing it. the whole 'spilling his seed' passage actually refers to an old birth control method of pulling the penis out b4 the man ejaculates. it has a formal word but i forget what it is. besides, God wouldnt have given us this gift if he didnt want us to enjoy it, so go ahead and enjoy.

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masterbating is NOT a sin. that passage was just used to scare kids from doing it. the whole 'spilling his seed' passage actually refers to an old birth control method of pulling the penis out b4 the man ejaculates. it has a formal word but i forget what it is. besides, God wouldnt have given us this gift if he didnt want us to enjoy it, so go ahead and enjoy.




I like her whole idea of this.. haha... wouldn't all men...haha

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