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is asking for a hug weird?


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well i like this one girl in my school. i don't have a class with her or anything but everytime we see each other in the hallway we would look at each other and smile. today when school ends i came up to her and ask her for a hug. is that a little bit weird? she knows that i like her though.

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sure it's a little weird, but who ever said being weird is bad?

some people have thier own personally bubble that might be violating...but others, like myself, welcome it & would figure you must be having a rough day - I'd give you a hug.


but don't do it daily, that would definietly be needy & weird in a bad way...lol

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Yeah I don't think asking her for a hug was the best thing. It depends on teh context. If you and she were talking and you just talked about something sad, for example, it is ok to say "give me a hug".


Out of the blue that would feel strange to me, even if i were still in highschool. I get the feeling you don't really know her other than passing in the hallway and smiling so asking for a hug might have made her feel strange.


But how did she react? Did she seem ok with it?

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she came with a friend of her too. cuz im so stupid i get really nervous in front of girls i like. but girls who i don't like i talk to them like any other friends. what move should i make on her? im pretty newby at getting girls and i have no game. oops sorry for double reply

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