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Please help me! this is really bad, i don't know what to do!

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my boyfriend thinks that i should get out of the house (my moms house) but i don't know what to do he says that there is a lot of abuse going on that has been going on for a few years. IN the past my step dad has hit me( not slaped but made a fist and hit my more than once) he has seen things that he shouldn't have ( it was his fault and i didn't want it) and he always calls names and goes around the house swearing. the last time we were in a fight was in julyand that is usually how it goes, we ignore eachother for a while and then get in a big fight. it was a huge fight though he kicked me and hit me and threw things at me i had to kick him in the balls to leave me alone. my mom had a migrane and didn't do anything about it. she says that i am a drama Queen and that when i get punished i think it is abuse. she doesn't think that there is any abuse going on in the house and that i am just a spoiled brat, she always says that he will back off and he trys for a while but then it happens again and it is just a horrible cycle. i don't feel loved all the time, but sometimes i do. i know my mom loves me but my boyfriend says not enough or jack wouldn't touch me. i don't know what to do. the school doesn't even take me seriously, because jack came in and acted like his perfect self. My BF says that jack is always calling me names and i don't even notice half the time anymore. i would get out of the house, but i love my mom and i don't want to go to a diff. school. i could go w/my grandparents, but i would be at a diff. school and too far away from my boyfriend. i want to move in with my friends mom. she offered and i know that i would be treated like family there and welcome to stay but my mom won't let me. if i press charges and get taken i would prob. have to go with my stoner dad or my grandparents or someone out of town i don't know. if i could stay here for sure and stay with mrs. L. then i would. What should i do? i know im not being a drama Queen because my Boyfriend feels the same way and he is worried about me. i am so stressed out and so is he. what can i do? i hate this and i just want to die and stop causing everyone so much trouble. What the F$%# can i do?!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Okay this is what i make of it ;


at 16 ur real young sweet heart so take it easy


lets get a few things straight ; u know ure mom loves u , ure step dad has never slapped u , the reason being becasue he knows that ure mom would step in


okay about being loved , NONE OF US ARE ALWAYS LOVED OR GIVEN THAT FEELING , we are just given love from moment to moment


i have a feeling that ure bf just feels protective about you and someone calling u names well thats just childish of the other person


i mean you are going to meet people all the time who might not like u or judge on any basis and treat u accordingly , so calling names its a basic childish thing


i think over time ur mom will realise that u are a adult and will start to respect you


you could make her realise this faster by being more responsible and ignoring small issuses i mean if u act like a adult, ur mom will start to respect you , the reason she feels u are a drama queen is proably cause of ur behaviour ( i am only guessing)


well take it from me i am 24 that life is going t o change for u and the way others percieve you over the years


i would hang in there and if things get to much just go out and catch some air thats what i used to do whenever i got pissed


just try to make ur own space and soon this phase of ur life will pass


if u ever want to tak or anything , just pm me

take care

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  • 1 month later...

Blonde I couldn't agree with you more, And ShyGuy get a grip dud none of this is her falt nor should you feel that way QTpie.

You should feel loved and yes if your friends mom is willing to help you out go there and stay there and at the same time seek help my self I don't know the American Law because I am Canadian But I do know this much it is wrong what both your mother and step father are doing.

Hang in girl I went through a lot of crap as kid and teen as well .

But blonde is also right don't run away it will make things worst and you might just get sent away to another town.

But remember if that is the best thing for then you should move with your grandparents I am sure your bf will understand completely.


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In the state of utah you CAN NOT get custody of your self. But you can get put in a foster home or moved to a famly members home. But I sugest that you do not get moved to a famly members home becouse that probly wont change a thing.

being called names all the time is physical abuse.
No it is not physical abuse it is meantal abuse.
don't think what happens in your family is normal. but don't run away.
I have to agree with it is not normal and I have to say dont run away. If you need to talk to someone you may pm me. remember we are here to help.
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