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Awkward Situation - Is She Interested??

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Here's the situation, and thanks to anyone who can help me puzzle this out, because it's giving me headaches!


Recently I started hanging out in a local coffee shop for some social interaction. There's a cute girl who works behind the counter, and a few times I dropped in to buy something and she tried to make idle conversation, laughed and even blushed a little. I also noticed her looking over at me when I sat down. I was a little hesitant to blatantly flirt with her, but gradually I started to joke around and have a little fun with her. Then on a recent Friday, I went there for several hours, and we spent practically the entire time talking about movies, authors, jokes, all kinds of things. She mentioned that we had things in common. She asked me a lot of questions and even admitted to "testing" my sense of humor, to see if it matched hers. So, she seemed real interested. I was still hesitant to simply ask her out, because it was where she worked and there were lot of people around, plus, you never know, maybe she's just a flirt.


Anyway, she told me she worked at a pizza restaurant, too. So, I visited a few days later and she was very warm and receptive and friendly. I bought something small and left, but returned at least once a week. Once when I sat down to eat, she came over and said hi and we talked for a bit. Okay, so I decided to take some action, but I thought that it had to be low-pressure because if she was hesistant or said no, how could I ever go back, and again she was at work. It was awkward. So, I wrote a little note with my email and AIM, and said on it I liked talking to her and if she ever wanted to say hi, this was how she could reach me. Basically, it's similar to protocol I once learned in New York, where you leave a business card in this kind of situation. But I'd never done anything quite like this. I gave it to her as I left one day, and she replied "cool."


Since then, she has always been very friendly, although she'll occasionally correct something I say, which seemed to be a habit of hers from the start.

Here's the obvious reason why I'm asking for advice: she has not written me. It's been over 2 weeks now. I really don't know what to do next. Maybe put this one behind me and move on? I would assume that in 2003 no email means no interest, but maybe someone else can shed some light or suggest something.


Thanks for reading my long message!

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you assumed she's got internet access and is IT savvy, that's why she works in cafes & restaurants, right?


just ask her for a date. you already know some of her interests, so suggest something along those lines. you like her, she likes you.


if she rejects you, don't mean you have to stop eating there. just means no extra ketchup

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