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My baby is sitting lopsided. Anyone experience?


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Hey all. I'm 34 weeks, and my baaby sits on my right side. I've been through 2 other pregnancies and this is a first!


It's odd because when i lay down, I have a big bulge on my right side, and on my left, it kind of tapers up towards the center. I don't know why he favours the right side, but i'm worried that it might cause a hard delivery. My last appointment, the doc said he was kind of curled around (on that side, with his head pointing south east...


Do you think it's possible if he might settle there? He hasn't dropped yet, but he should soon.

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I think when you go into labour, he''ll rotate. I don't think its anything to worry about. A friend of mine had a baby that was always on the left side, and they both turned out OK. It didn't make the labour to difficult.


But if your still worried, speak to your doctor about it again, and double check with him/her. And you sound pretty far gone, so congratulations for when you finally 'pop'

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You still have time for him to "drop" and get into position and ready for delivery.. My son was breech, kinda curled around like you described with his butt sticking out on the bottom left side of my stomach until I was 37 1/2 weeks and he turned 1 week before delivery .. Dr's wont usually start beginning to worry until the last couple of weeks if the baby hasnt turned yet.

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You still have time for him to "drop" and get into position and ready for delivery.. My son was breech, kinda curled around like you described with his butt sticking out on the bottom left side of my stomach until I was 37 1/2 weeks and he turned 1 week before delivery .. Dr's wont usually start beginning to worry until the last couple of weeks if the baby hasnt turned yet.


Wow, they must have made plans for a C-section at that late in the game eh? I thought that by that time, if they weren't in postion by then, it would be almost a given that they won't turn in time for birth.


I REALLY don't want a c-section. The recovery time for that procedure is alot worse.


I'm happy that it's not noticeable while standing though. lol that would look pretty amusing.


Thank you gals, for the reasurance.

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Yeah we were talking of a csection, they did attempt to do the procedure (what they call it is completely skipping my mind right now) but where they attempt to turn the baby, twice and both times it failed, a stubborn little guy he was because I was willing to do anything to avoid a csection.


a funny for you to laugh at..


the way my son was with his butt sticking out the entire pregnancy, you can still see the difference in that side of my stomach although it isnt completely noticeable unless I point it out people still get a kick out of it (as do I now 2 1/2 years later..)

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My baby also is on the right side most of the time.. they just find their comfy spots.. they know more of what's in there and how to deal with the womb then anyone else... Im sure youre delivery will be fine. I am now 39 weeks and baby still has not dropped... sometimes they dont drop until it's time to come out, Ive read that on link removed I assure you.. he will be just fine!

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My baby also is on the right side most of the time.. they just find their comfy spots.. they know more of what's in there and how to deal with the womb then anyone else... Im sure youre delivery will be fine. I am now 39 weeks and baby still has not dropped... sometimes they dont drop until it's time to come out, Ive read that on link removed I assure you.. he will be just fine!


Wow 39 weeks! Good luck with your delivery i hope that everything gos smoothly. Also, thanks for the reasurrance on the lopsided thing. I've never heard of or seen another person like this, until now of course.


I'm afraid of my delivery. My bf is being selfish about the whole thing. I'm getting so fed up with him and this whole pregnancy.


I have to deliver here in this small town because he doesn't want to take time off to go to the city and wait to deliver. He also doesn't want to drive 2.5 hours to get there either. I can't understand how he'd rather see me go through labour with no drugs and more pain whle i've been in pain fr the past 2 months. I mean what is a 2.5 hour drive and a week off work?


He's been so selfish throughout this whole thing. I REALLY hope things chage and soon.


SORRY: Rant over.

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They don't offer meds at your local hospital?


or there isn't one closer than 2 1/2 that is better?


no. They offer a shot of morphine and that's about it. I had two shots with my first delivery and all it did was put me to sleep inbetween contractions. My second, i had an epidural which i preferred ALOT more lol.


Our hospital serves all the communities further north. The closest "city" hospital that has an Anestesiologist is 2.5 hours away.

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