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hmm birthcontrol??


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i dont know if im doing this for the wrong reason?

women take birth control to..

regulate there periods

help control your acne

have sex so u dont become pregent


but i feel so bad..... if anyone found i was thinking of having sex with my bf (except maybe my bf) iddddd diee!!!!

omg i jsut dont know maybe i should wait and talk to him about it before i just sayy hey im on birth control


also what are some that work and dont work so well?

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people use it for many different reasons..... i use it to control the growth of a tumor in my utrus and also to regulate my cycle...

but being on the pill doesnt mean you should go out and be reckless and have sex and not be safe about it! and i dont think you should be worried about who know ur on the pill.... i think now-a-days its more common and most people arent going to assume ur on it to have sex...

get more info about the pill....it has become more and more useful for lots of women other than just sex!!!!!!!


be safe!

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okay, wanting to be on BC is the responsible thing. It's nothing to be ashamed of...and think of it this way-- would you rather get on the pill and have sex (with a condom, of course) and be safe... OR, would you rather be too embarrassed to go on the pill, have the condom break and get knocked up? Which would be more embarrassing?

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okay, wanting to be on BC is the responsible thing. It's nothing to be ashamed of...and think of it this way-- would you rather get on the pill and have sex (with a condom, of course) and be safe... OR, would you rather be too embarrassed to go on the pill, have the condom break and get knocked up? Which would be more embarrassing?


she's got a point there!

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Its okay to be embarrased. I started BC oh.... nine nonths ago? About 8 months before I started having sex, lol

I tried to bring it up to my SO... getting his views... but he really could have cared less... becasue we werent active yet he was of the opinion that its was up to me, so I think its okay if you dont talk about it with your SO yet.

Also, by starting before your really ready for sex, you will get into the routine of taking the pill around the same time every day without the pressure and stress of being active and getting used to new hormones in your body.

If you want it, go for it

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well if you knew my background youd understand y id be embarrassed. i was taught not to have sex before marriage MY WHOLE LIFE!! but i dont think its wrong. i think if you feel ready in your relationship to move to the sexual level you should. i want to be verrry smart and verry safe about sex! its not something to mess with, I KNOW!! i wouldnt even think of having sex unless i was on birth control and he used a condom

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Been there... I grew up in the church, kinda shunned because my mom was a single teen mom... so yah, the pressure of the church towards wedlock is crazy...

But, if you feel that there is even the slightest chance of BC being helpful to you or your health, you need to put that first... no matter how embarrassing it is.

Heck, I had that awkward talk with my mom and then the awkward gyno... its all awkward and embarrassing, it just comes with the territory

Its just better to be safe than sorry, at least in my opinion. And it seems you know that. But in the end you need to make the decision thats best for YOU

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