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Hair Dye

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Hello Enotaloners!


I'm usually a strawberry blonde and I dyed my hair red. It came out lovely! However both times I have washed my hair since the dye has been in, it's started to fade out a little and go pink, which looks cool but I want red. It went red because the red dye and my light coloured hair made it pink. Anyhow I want to dye my hair again red, hopefully this time it would be more red and wont wash out as much. (I mean the bath water was literally pink both times).


How long should I wait before I dye my hair again? I don't want to risk my hair getting damaged or looking an odd colour.




MG x

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I usually wait 2-3 months before I re-dye my hair. But, I choose hair dyes with no ammonia. Ammonia basically "opens up the surface of the hair shaft to allow colour molecules to penetrate to its core and, when combined with peroxide, acts as a catalyst to anchor colour inside the hair shaft". Did you use a temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent colour? It shouldn't of washed out that quickly if it were permanent. You can also buy colour protecting shampoos to avoid fading.

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Hmm. With your hair turning pink it makes me wonder - are you dying your hair RED red, as in fire-engine manic-panic stops-traffic red? If so the dye is likely temporary, and your results are normal. You can get color saver shampoos but what a lot of people recommend doing is mixing some of the temporary dye in with your shampoo and conditioner. I did this when I had my hair blue and it helped to refresh the color.


If you're not going for an unusual color but instead dyed your hair a normal shade and it's still coming out like that, I agree that going to a salon would be a good choice.

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