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I know I shouldn't, but...


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I know I shouldn't even head down this road, but I can't stop thinking "What if..."


Since my partner left me 8 days ago I've been trawling the internet for any kind of hope, comfort etc I can lay my eyes on, and one thing has been bugging me.

There are 2 e-books I was intrugued by, 1 by Bob Grant called 'How to get your ex back' and another book of a similar title by Brian Can - something-or-other.

I have kind of got the gist of what these ebooks are about but there's mention of "Three simple sentences" or "Just 9 simple words to get him back and never want to leave again".

Has anyone here read these ebooks and if so could you give me an idea of what these 'simple words' may be. I don't use credit cards so am unable to purchase online.

Please, please, it may seem like I'm clutching at straws here to get some answers (I know I probably am) but I can't stop thinking that I need to know.

You can reply here or send me a PM if you'd rather.


Many thanks x

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Not sure about the words, but any of the advice those books give you can get here for FREE as well.


The Brian Can book (I have read it) basically says go strict No Contact for 30 days.


In that 30 days go ot, have fun, work out, exercise, spoil yourself so you feel good about you.


Then in 30 days you can call them up and invite them for coffee or something so they see the new improved you. Possibly the person that attracted them to you in the first place.


He says tho that after 30 days you may not even want to call them up because you have worked on yourself so much you dont even give them a second thought.


Essentially its go NC.

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lost for words,

PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY. I have been down that road also. I've searched the internet for articles, etc. something that will let me look at my situation another way. In the end, I've gotten very bitter about all of the books and course that proclaim "how to get your ex back". They're like sharks circling a boat. I f someone truly wants to help you in the right way, they aren't going to charge you for it. And no one, and I mean NO ONE can give you a 'plan' that will work or even come close. There are too many variables and even if these books took into account all of the facets of you and your ex, they still couldn't tell you what will work. For them to say here is what will work is like saying 'Hold your hands together and I show you how you won't spill a drop! Guaranteed to work!'


I feel for you, becasue I know the pain you're going through. We all do here and I've come to tha conclusion that searching the net for articles is not a bad thing, it does open your mind to lookig at your situation from different perspectives. The most helpful thing has been this site. Tremendous help. You may not hear what you want to hear (as some of us still do) but you get a lot of good ADVICE - - not DIRECTIONS.


Hang in there and keep coming here. It will HELP YOU. That we can guarantee.

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