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Time to call the plumber, my pipes are leaking again

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A couple of weeks ago the tears seemed to stop. I was glad. It was almost an everyday thing. I guess the reservoir was empty. Its full and flowing again. All it took was one phone call from her about exchanging the rest of our belongings.


I am assuming this is just a small setback, but it's disheartening just the same. It's just another reminder of just how much I love and care for her. If this is how I feel after 4 months, then I guess I have quite a ways to go. It's going to be a long bumpy road.


Any thoughts on just how to get past these bumps in the road? The ones that leave you feeling really sad, alone, unloved and hopeless.


unhappy cabman

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I used to think tears were a relief, but I've done so much crying over the past two years that I can testify they only make you worse and get you overwrought.


The one thing I'd advise is distraction. See friends, watch a good movie (but not a weepie!) or the best thing of all is regular exercise.


Bumps in the road are inevitable. Sometimes they are large dark potholes that you fall into. Have to keep climbing back out again though, I find. Be easy on yourself.

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Yes we do. I hope you have someone in your life to give you a pat on the back and who understands some of what you are going through, cabman.

I admire your exercise regime though!!!! That's one of those things I preach but don't practise (enough)



Yes I do. My daughter. She has helped me quite a bit through all of this.

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