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Thinking of taking off this winter to 'get away'

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I can't believe it's been less than 3 months since my partner died--god I HATE that word--partner. Anyway...his birthday is coming up soon along with the holidays and I just don't think I can bear staying in our big, old house this winter without him. I've never been interested in snow/colder weather and the shorter days don't help. I'm thinking of heading 'south' for a few months this winter and wondering if any of you may have done that sort of thing.


Unfortunately, I'll be dealing with the criminal and civil trials related to the drunk responsible for his murder for the next 1-2 years and right now I see no 'end' in sight to the healing/grieving process. Many of my friends think it would be a great idea to get away, I love the idea of getting a reprieve from reality on some levels but I'm wondering if that would NOT be a good thing in the longterm. I am so emotionally and mentally exhausted and becoming more depressed on a daily basis that something's got to change. I can work remotely--all I need is an internet connection--so I can continue to work wherever I choose to spend the winter. Have any of you had an experience where you've traveled for extended periods this early on in the grieving process? Any suggestions?



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Escaping from reality is good in a way but what happens when you come back to it? Things will seem emptier than they were before. I don't know. Don't you want to be close to his things? His places? Although, maybe getting away might be good I suppose. I guess it would mean less pressure to grieve how others think you should grieve. You could do your own thing. I don't really have any answers I'm afraid. It's a difficult thing....everyone grieves differently so only you can decide if it would be good for you.

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