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At 54, should I even be looking

Fritz The Cat

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Hello All,


I've been divorced for almost 4 years now. I'm over the pain enough to start thinking about another relationship. But I'm not sure if that's a smart thing to do. I've really been turned off by what's available in my age range locally and on line dating is a silly joke. I know lot's of quality women but none that are available. I know lot's of single women but none that aren't so loaded with baggage they're batsh*t crazy. There doesn't seem to be a gray area so I'm stuck with a very tough choice. Should I count my blessings and continue to live my life as a please or should I keep trying to fill this empty void? I have friends who advise both ways so I'm on the fence. Anyone here in a similar situation care to comment.





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I don't think anyone is ever too old to date. You hear of couples in their 70's getting married. Why should there be an age associated with dating and chemistry and new love???


I say go for it. But maybe involve yourself in areas of interest and hobbies to surround yourself with potential partners. Don't hunt them out, keep yourself active and it will happen.

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I honestly just wouldn't worry too much about it and just enjoy your life. If you come accross someone whose company you enjoy you'll know it. Of course that's just my style. I just let things happen as they may. But I understand how frustrating it can be to try to meet people you are interested in. I rarely do. I meet a lot of men through my job but most are married or I'm just not interested.

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You should continue to live your life as you please no matter what your situation. Maybe it's not about actively hunting as much as it is about finding what you love doing in your free time and concentrating on that. And don't be so quick to dismiss someone as too full of baggage or crazy. Sometimes those are the most interesting people. They might think you have baggage, too. Nothing wrong with that.

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54 is an age where you can begin to change your work to social ratio. You're established in your career, you're stable and all that jazz. Now you need to focus on you as a person and make more time for YOU, even if that means reducing your hours at work slightly.


Things you can enjoy with others....are there any motorcycle groups that go out on rides together? Bound to be women involved there. Gym and gym functions, new sports, classes, even going to a few more sophisticated bars every now and then. Enjoy your life, you've earned the right to.

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