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I need to give her space, even though we love each other

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My GF of 6 months and I broke up in June. In August after a week long period of talking, we stopped talking for 6 weeks. Last week, she came crying back to me, beggin for a second chance...so we hung out for 4 days, and it was magic!!! But the next week, she started to sound out a different tune....she wants to be 20 and find herself before she can be with me again. I am 35, just so you know...Well, when she called me for a second chance, she had just moved out on her "rebound", and the next night she was in my bed...Well, she tells me on Saturday how much she loves me and I say the same, but she says she doesnt wanna be with me right n ow. I then find out that she is apparently seeing some new guy...so I called her and told her I wanted nothing to do with her, and for her to stop calling me. I feel empty, because there is a ton of love between us, but she is younger and has to do this...what can i do to let her know what I do understand and that maybe I will be here when she is ready??

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This is how it is. My ex is 19 im 26 she also needed time and space and currently is seeing someone and she still tells everyone that she loves me but shes young she wants to do things that a 19 year olds do. She tells me that if its meant to be we will be back with each other. Just remember dont stay stuck waiting for her and move on for now.

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I agree with Dnsking.


You may want her no matter what, and she wants to "find" herself, but when she does, how sure are you that her new discovered self still loves you? like she said IF its meant to be it will happen.


Right now you are in the prime of life, really, for a man, you have at 35 more dating options you can shake a stick at, so many women that know who they are, what they want and are tired of the games already, a few may have emotional baggage (just like you) but all in all you will have a better chance of success with these women. I have nothing against age differences as long as both parties are adults and mature enough to know what they want from each other. this girl is not ready yet, how long you gonna wait, 1 year, 2, 5? heck some girl dont settle down till 25-30s you gonna waste your life on a possibility? nah.


look for a gal thats past all the games and self discovery, and you will be one happy man.

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My ex was 9 years older than me. He dated me when I was 20, but was always insecure as to whether or not, I would cheat on him.


He told me that since he already finished med-school that he needed to settle down. I was into the club scene, but was mature enough. We mentally/emotionally/physically connected, but I guess I wasn't ready yet.


Your situation is different though, this girl was seeing someone else. That's different. It's almost as if she's confused of what she wants, but decides to put you on hold for her own convenience. That doesn't sound fair now does it?


My ex made the right decision for letting me go. I didn't cheat on him, and didn't go on a 'rebound' rondevou with a new guy. It was just too serious for me, his parents wanted to meet my parents, and he was already looking for a house.


I know that I would like to marry a person like him. To answer your post, I think that age seriously does NOT matter, as long as both people are mature enough for each other. To add to that, age sometimes matters only if the girl has not had that much experience (b/c she might have 2nd thoughts & be curious).

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