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when I'm lonely...

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Hi Oceanview,


First of all, don't worry that you've not got any replies yet - you definitely will, and I very much doubt you're the only person that thinks the way you do.


I think it's actually really common for a girl to become attracted to other girls at times when their boyfriend isn't around, or after a break up, for example. I think the main reason why people do it is because of the emotional connection.


Obviously guys are stereotypically said to be hard to get an emotional reaction out of, right? Well, most people would say that girls are completely the opposite. They're the ones that catch you when you fall and take full care of you, whereas guys will tell you to have a beer and forget about it, right?


Based on that, it's definitely understandable why when someone feels alone, they don't feel that they particularly want their boyfriend around. They want someone who's going to understand better what they're feeling. I think that's all you want, really.


The only thing to give any thought to is if the attraction is more than just this - if you feel physically and sexually attracted to girls.

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