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the WOW! factor


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So... to sum this all up. i would say that i have to...


be confident

be funny

say random comments that'll make her laugh

be good at telling stories, not the story just the delivery

not sit in the corner, be out there

and...dress well, but not like a clown, something that will catch her eye.


anything else you could add to that?


thanks everyone

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everyone knows the type of guy who can walk into a room, he has everyones attention, and will leave having made a load of friends and given his phone number to at least a hundred of the prettiest girls there. (its a very big room lol)


why can't normal guys like me attract these girls. and why don't girls ever want to ''chase'' me (or guys in general). not the other way around. (that isn't my main point though).


anyone got any tips to help me out?


thanks, just thought i mite as well ask as im here already.


Want to know a secret? A lot of guys like that aren't happy. They put up this front where they have to have all these friends and get lots of girls numbers because they're insecure and if they ever loose their friends, it's hard on them. Not because they're close but because they feel lonely because they're not surrounded by people.


Normal guys do attract girls, but the problem is, normal guys don't always want the girls they attract. I see it all the time at work and school. A pretty girl will be flirting with a normal guy trying to catch his eye but he's to busy looking at the prettier girl at the other end of the room to notice.

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i know what you mean hinata_sam


i don't want to be totally like the guy i described. i was hoping to hear what everyone had to say about attracting women that im attracted to physically and to their personality.

even by not doing any of these things to attract women, i think it will still help in every day life.

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