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Nerd needs conversation help


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I'll be honest, I'm pretty much your standard nerd - I play computer, don't really have many friends, read books a lot, write stories, watch Lord of the Rings.


So how do I have a conversation with this girl? I'm in Gr10, she's in Gr9, we both like to read and write, but after that... then what? I'm not going to start chatting it up about which actor played what in LOTR, or what level I am in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.... please help!

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I'm not going to start chatting it up about which actor played what in LOTR, or what level I am in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.... please help!


that was quite funny! you obviously have a sense of humour. this is the best way to connect with someone in my opinion. joke around and have a laugh with her

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I'll be honest, I'm pretty much your standard nerd - I play computer, don't really have many friends, read books a lot, write stories, watch Lord of the Rings.


So how do I have a conversation with this girl? I'm in Gr10, she's in Gr9, we both like to read and write, but after that... then what? I'm not going to start chatting it up about which actor played what in LOTR, or what level I am in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.... please help!


How is that game Oblivion? My boyfriend told me it was pretty good game and it had pretty cool effects and graphics? I'm into video games, too!! But I also am in college and do other things. I was just wondering if it was a pretty decent game?


Oh, and by the way. You are not a dork because you play videogames still hun, there are top executives out there who still play video games, not to mention my bf and his father play half-life every single day! haha..There both wonderful people too! They are also very smart when it comes to fixing the PC and etc...haha...I have my own PC technician...It's great!!


About this girl situation...I would just ask her if she wants to go to a movie. Since you are only in the 10 and her in the 9, I think that could be tricky too, so don't get discouraged if she turns you down.


There are plenty of fish in the sea, and usually people don't start dating until they get out of HS. Just because you see those fast 12th graders, doesn't mean that your life doesn't have any meaningful substance. I say right on!! for playing video games and having fun without any responsibility until you reach that age of "responsibility"...haha..that's just me though What you are doing right now doesn't make you any lesser of a person..I just wanted to let you know that.


So anyway..About this girl...First of all, you have to take into consideration, that she might have "controlling parents" that wouldn't allow her to go see a movie with some guy from school. I've seen it and I've been through it..It's not fun to have an over protective dad, but that's what they do. If I were you, I would try and make friends with her at school. Just be yourself. Possibly sit by her during lunch, maybe strike up a conversation with her. The key to all this stuff is confidence. Walk with confidence talk with confidence be confident in yourself. The key to confidence also has to do with knowing and not letting "rejection" get you down. If someone doesn't befriend you or accept you for you, then move on to someone else. I'm in college and still get rejected...Everyone is rejected by someone throughout their life, but that's just life. Everyone has standards and everyone has different wants.


Have a great week!!



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lol, im into video games too, i play Rakion,Archlord,Lineage2,Maplestory and almost every online game ...

but also i have my social life, and i think you should have urs too...

also, im in Gr10 trying to get a Gr9 girl, so i talk about school, i joke about my teachers and blah blah

there are many things to talk about, find her interests and talk about them ...

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Talk about anything with her. I think too many people put too much pressure on themselves about what they talk about. Personally, I love asking random questions to my friends, family and women I'm pursuing. The great thing with silly and random questions is that they always lead into more deep discussions.


Also, I think a lot of people don't like asking off the wall questions because they have trouble working them into the conversation naturally. The truth is that they're rarely ever really natural, but that's just a minor hurdle to overcome and being different is actually an asset. There's thousands of ways to get into the random question game if you're willing to risk looking like a fool.


For example , let's say a girl I want to chat up is eating an apple and I have absolutely nothing to talk about:


me: mmmmm...I love a good apple. Can I have a bite? **big smile**

her: haha you want a bite of this apple? **surprised smile**

me: yea, well, only as long as it's not cold. I'm willing to risk getting your cooties for a bite, but I won't eat any fruit unless it's room temperature. haha Cold fruit turns my stomach as funny as that sounds. **smile**

her: yea **she's stunned by my random comment**

me: Well don't look at me like that. I bet you've got a weird food fetish? Let's hear it. **smile**


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I'll be honest, I'm pretty much your standard nerd - I play computer, don't really have many friends, read books a lot, write stories, watch Lord of the Rings.


So how do I have a conversation with this girl? I'm in Gr10, she's in Gr9, we both like to read and write, but after that... then what? I'm not going to start chatting it up about which actor played what in LOTR, or what level I am in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.... please help!


You're too busy searching for serious topics to talk about. Don't spend time thinking about, "what topic can I bring up to discuss?". Discussing is boring. Blah. Bland. Instead, be fun, flirt with her. Tease her about something in a light hearted manner. Tell a funny story about a party you went to. The more you get into a "Discussion" the more you're setting up a pal. If you want to be in a romantic relationship there needs to be chemistry. You need to joke, poke, play, tease, and make it FUN to interract with you.

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