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Some women have more than one G-Spot


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Or so I've noticed from the last two women I went out with. For some crazy reason they were both extremely sensitive to and aroused from my kissing and licking their neck. Is this a common erogenous zone for any one else here?


Which other sweet spots and erogenous zones have you discovered on your lady friend's bod other than the forbidden fun zones??

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The neck and other errogenous zones are NOT G-Spots. Technically, some people don't even know if the G-Spot even actually exists. It's a matter of debate.


Obviously many parts of the man and woman's bodies are sensitive and errogenous; neck, nipples, inner thighs, lips (duh), earlobes, etc. On personal experience, the neck and nipples (by far) are the most errogenous parts of a female's anatomy, not including the genitals, of course.

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The G-Spot does exist. It is a small knot or bundle of nerves on the front vaginal wall. The reason that many don't think it exists is because there are no outward signs of it. Like a man's penis, it needs a period of excitement to make it work! It is interlaced with tissue that fills with blood and makes it swell slightly, then it feels like a ribbed or rough area just inside the entrance of the vagina.


Thats why its a good idea to learn effective foreplay guys!

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