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when the HELL does it ever end?!!


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fist a little history...

april 17, 2006 i was in the hospital for trying to kill myself the first time.

so i get diaognosed with depression and since then ive been in the hospital a few more times for hurting myself and ive been on anti-depressants, sleeping pills, anxiety pills blah blah blah.


my question is now that its been a year and a half and im STILL in a depression, still taking pills and tried to overdose on my meds again just a few weeks ago how am i supposed to ever get out of this depression???

im so frustrated about it right now cuz there's no solution or end in sight.


[anyway i woudlnt say im suicidal anymore but on the rare, rare occasion something makes me snap and at the moment i want nothing more but to die and hence the few more times of attempted suicide.]

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I wish I could tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I battle depression too, though I would not say that I am suicidal. I am a faithful person and believe in the power of our Higher Power, Jesus and that gets me through each day I feel down. I still get down, but I say a prayer and that tends to help me out a lot. Well...in addition to the Prozac.

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i've been there and done that. all i can say is that its YOU that you need to help yourself. So i pretty much can relate cuz i was in your postion before. And how i overcomed my depression was with the support of the one's who was around me. Are you going to counseling or therpy? they can help too but with their help you need to be able too help yourself as well. how long did it take it depends on how you try to help yourself. at one point your going to feel tierd of this and your going to think to yourself how long do you want to carry this around with you. i've had it all depression, trying to hurt myself, anxity, panic attakcs, taking a trip to the hospital............ i hope this helps.

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