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What should i do?

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Hi, I should probably post this in the break-up section but I feel more comfortable here. Anyways, I’d broken up with my ex back in March and I haven’t seen her since. It was initially an ok break but when I wanted to go NC she kept breaking it and eventually things got nasty and a lot of things came out into the open - hence me not having anything more to do with her.


My problem: There is this big gay event on this weekend which kicks off pride month here and I’ve got it on good authority that my ex will be there. As soon as I found out I felt like I had been kicked in the guts and I don’t want to see her. I’m also a bit peeved that she has taken it upon herself to attend a gay event since she was so adamant that she was straight went we broke up.


How the heck should I act if I see her? I’m thinking poker-face with no acknowledgement would be best because I’m pretty sure if we get to talking it could end in tears (most likely hers, not mine). I want it to be a good day since I have been looking forward to it for ages, but I’m even thinking of not attending now. Does anyone have any advice or has any similar stories to share?


Thanks heaps

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How large is this event going to be? If it is going to be very large, then how long would you need to see her for if and when you did? If you could do it and get away, then the only way it ruins your day is if you let it ruin your day. If you still let her have power over how you feel.

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Hi Beec, thanks for replying. I guess the event will be biggish (for a small town) a thousand perhaps? It's in a park but the licensed area will be fenced off and since me, my mates (and my ex) are all over the legal age, that's the most likely spot we'll be. It's very likely that we'll run into each other as we do have some friends in common.


I guess getting away would be easy since the park is in the entertainment district with pubs/clubs all around. So there's an option. I'd do my best not to spend too much time in any area where she will be.


I hear ya when you say that the only way seeing her will ruin my day will be if I let it and I will try my best not to let that happen. It just that I can't shake that sick in the stomach/anger feeling I get when I think about seeing her again!


Oh wells, I guess I can be happy that I had some heads up about it all, so I have time to try and work through it all!

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