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I never said there were no side-effects, please read carefully. These physical side effects that you talk about, again, depend on how genetically prone you are to them. For example, I am prone to hairloss, increase testosterone increases DHT which results in rapid hairloss. thereforeeee, hairloss might be prevalent for me if I were to use AAS, but not on many who are not prone to hairloss. Besides these side-effects being mostly seen in those prone to them, SMART AAS users take ancillilaries like Nolvadex and Clomid to counter these effects, and it works VERY WELL. Did you know this?


Sexual dysfunction? Do you know why this occurs? Your body has synthethic testosterone, thereforeeee the male testes stop producing testosterone and shrink FOR THE MOMENT. This doesn't always happen and actually, with the AAS testosterone it actually INCREASES sex drive. The shrink in testes is mostly seen with other AAS such as D-Bol. Doctors will always tell you AAS are bad, and they will do countless studies to show you this and that, but you know what? Sports and science don't mix, because there is always a different opinion. In this case, IN MY CASE, its bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is pseudo, do you know we would not have hypertrophy in our muscles if we didnt take excess protein? Yet doctors say this will hurt your liver. Yet there is NOT ONE DOCUMENTED CASE OF EXCESS PROTEIN HURTING YOUR LIVER.


Science is EVER CHANGING. Experience and knowing your body is what counts.


As far as the psychological side-effects...please, include a person you know or a documented case with scientific evidence that shows the psychological side-effects of the drug besides the SMALL mood changes that occurs IN SOME users.


I never bashed anyone for choosing not to date someone on the drug, I bashed those who bashed AAS without a complete understanding on them. AAS are not just a quick way to get what you want, again, it takes hard work. And in certain sports you need them to suceed. Ex: bodybuilding. AAS gives you a look you cannot achieve any other way. You cannot believe and state that all who use them are just looking for a "quick fix".

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