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Happy endings....


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I need to know, do they exist?


And Im not talking about a naive view of marital bliss through perfection or love without effort, but its just...


Every book I read, every song I listen to...its all so hopelessly romantic.


Obviously nothing stays the same 100% of the time, but please, tell me its possible. Tell me that true love exists and someone out there is living their own version of happily ever after? That love can last past the honeymoon phase, marriages dont all go to poop and people stay together because they cant live without each other - no power struggles, psychological addictions, etc.


I believe that one day I will find a man that I can live happily ever after with and Ill be happy and that will be enough...


But my parents divorced a couple times each, I see couples splitting after decades together, stats prove otherwise, I see unhappiness from heartbreak or unhappiness within unions that arent love at all but codependancy....



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i used to think so, but NO it doesnt exist or so im painful told, and pointed out to... and frankly i fought the notice for years that i did exist...but now, now i know that i doesnt, no matter how much you think you love some one, or how much they think they love you.....there is always something getting in the way, weather it be, your own insecurities, or circumstance the dictates otherwise.


sorry to be the bearer of bad news...but no i dont think there is a happy ever after...

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I've only been married 5 years. So far so good. Still stupid happy with each other and we'd still rather hang out with each other than anyone else.


Met my husband when I was 37 and was seriously planning on spending the rest of my life single.


Personally, I think the key to it is building a strong, healthy, happy relationship with yourself first. All the other relationships in your life spring from the one you have with yourself. Until I had a good relationship with myself (to the point that being single for the rest of my life woulda been fine with me), I don't think I could be in a place where I could be part of a relationship like I have with my husband.

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I;ve seen bad marriages (and been through one!).


But I`ve also seen good marriages. My family is full of good marriages. My parents are very much in love with each other still and celebrated 35 years together a week ago. My grandparents just celebrated their SIXIETH wedding anniversary. My sister and her husband of about five years are still close and happy.


I think the key is this. There are happy unions and happy marriages out there. But happily ever after? Nah, you still have life and such, and problems to work out together and solve together. Its not 100% pure bliss, but it is good to have someone to lean on and help you through the bad times (and you do the same for them).


Some people say that relationships are a lot of work. My last relationship was a lot of work, but I loved him very much. He was too much work though and turned abusive after the wedding. My parents said that they think that saying is false. They said that their relationship NEVER felt like work.

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My parents are happily married for over 25 years now. They couldnt be happier. Same with my grandparents (when my grandads were still alive).


I think anyone who doesn't think that there are happy endings (and not just from thai masseuses), have some sort of glaucoma of life perception. Happiness is all around you, just open your eyes and realise.

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A successful relationship can be similar to a business.


Sometimes it takes no effort and success/happiness just comes to you.


Sometimes there are periods of time where a lot of work is needed just to scrape by but most of the time, it is totally great.


Othertimes, it takes constant work, attention, and patience for just a moderate level of success.


I believe that there is a such thing as 'happily ever after' but it isn't something that comes banging down your doorstep. It can be hard to find, it isn't always the easiest thing in the world, but it is 100% possible!

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