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Who's hurting today and why?


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Today I am hurting because I made a fool out of myself in front of some- said some weird things, acted weird. I was pushed into some lockers at school accidently by some boys, but I felt exposed and awkward afterward. No one is really talking to me in school.


Life sucks sometimes. How do you deal with it? The truth is, I come on here, read stuff, maybe give advice and try to get a clear picture on how to cope, why to cope, why to hold on in life. And I usually feel better afterward. What about you?

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*hugs* I'm sorry that you're feeling like this I hope things get better.


I'm hurting because i feel no hope about anything right now, and it's really frightening me. Last night i just felt like everything was pointless, and i feel the same way today. Even washing-up was difficult to do today Anyway, i still dont know what i'm going to do to feel better. I wish i could write something else, but thats the truth.

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As you grow older, you will likely gain perspective on things. You'll look back and realize that certain situations weren't so serious afterall.


Accidents like this can happen at school or anywhere for that matter. Just the other day I was BBQ'ing and stepped in a big puddle of mud. Note that I was BBQ'ing for 10+ people and everyone saw. I just said, "that really sucks!" Same situation for you - sure, it sucks that it happened but you'll be alright.


Now if there are other aspects of your life that you're not happy with, realize that you have the control to change things. If you're not making many friends, learn how to make friends. One quick and easy method is to find someone who has common interests and talk about them. Another method is to talk to classmates about assignments or get into a study group. If you're into sports, that's another way to make friends. A simple (but very overlooked way) to make friends is to learn people's names and call them by their name every time you see them. It makes it much easier to spark up a conversation and gives you an easy reason to ask how their weekend was.


Good luck.

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Life will always throw curve balls at you! It's just about how you deal with those curve balls. You have the power, whether you realize it or not, to have a good day or a bad day. Sometimes you just gotta hold your head up high and not let others bring you down. People who feel bad about themselves will usually try to make others feel the same way they do. Don't let them!


Look on the bright side...Are you like Britney Spears? Are you out there shaving your head, walking around with no undies, or wiping your greasy hands on some million dollar dress? (I read too many gossip mags, lol!) I'm sure you're not! Sometimes little things embarrass us but they don't shape our lives. These things won't matter days, weeks, or years down the line and you may even laugh about them in the future! If you look hard enough you will find humor in everyday life. Good luck!

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I am sorry you had a tough time in school. I was never really bullied because my attitude was simple, I didn't care. If someone tried to do something, I would just ignore them, it worked wonders. Of course this was 12 years ago so things might have changed.


As to your question, I am hurting more and more every day. Why? I feel like without my ex that I have no reason to live. I see happy couples everywhere and it makes me angry and bitter that I the only thing I want in life is denied me.

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Well, exactly what they all said ^

They all hammered it all the nail to be frank

I know what you mean by making yourself look like a fool when you say or do silly things though, i do that myself, i guess things in america are different than to what they are here but when i do make myself look like an idiot, yeah i do get embarrest and wish i never did it, i just think on not to do stuff like that again, but usually, depending on what i did, i just laugh it off


I have an idea, maybe you could take up a new hobby? I dunno when you feel like youve made an idiot of yourself or youve had a tough day, do something to take your mind off things and maybe realise whatever happened that day wasn't so bad afterall?

I do that, when i have a rough feeling day at school about a girl, i go to the gym, work my socks off and i walk out of there literally forgetting my feelings when i walked in there in the first place!


But answer your question yeah,

im kinda crazy about a best friend of mine, we had this night of pure fireworks of kissing about a month and a bit ago, i cant stop thinking about, but kinda went * * * * up and i dont know where im at anymores so yeah. But saying that, i went to the gym today not feeling so good mentally, and walked out of there seeing the full prespective of my situation and thought "Oh ok" and got on with the rest of my evening. So yeah, a new hobby possibly?

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I'm hurting because I have a friend who is very ill, and for the past two years, it's been getting progressively worse. She is normally a very positive, outgoing person, but she's become depressive and jokes about ending her life so she doesn't have to be in pain anymore. She's between a rock and a hard place basically, though her illness is not terminal, it is affecting her life drastically. I'm hurting because there's nothing I can do or say that seems adequate.

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Thank you everyone. i get brought down very easily as a person. Even though I believe in good things and help people and walk around confidently and know I am for the most part, beautiful...I just get brought down. When I'm not talked to...and so on.


But today made it better. Today, I spoke out in my honors government class a lot in a class debate, as the "libertarian" was loud, a bit annoying, but for the most part made sense, and made some laugh.

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